Welcome to the MN Department of Health Office of Rural Health and Primary Care online grant portal.

FOR THOSE APPLYING FOR MN HEALTH CARE LOAN FORGIVENESS OR STATE LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM: Please click on the "Create New Account" button to set up an account to enter into the grant portal.

ALL CURRENT USERS: Please click on the "Forgot your Password?" link to create a new password for the account that has already been set up for you.

Helpful Hints:
1) We recommend that you bookmark this page for ease of access.
2) Please remove the following email: 'MN Department of Health' from your spam filters to ensure you receive emails from the system.
3) Your internet browser should be updated to the most recent version for an optimal system experience.

Click on the following links for short videos on creating an account, applying for funding, or managing your applicant dashboard, or click here for detailed written instructions on these topics.

New Users: Please click on "Create New Account" to complete the registration process and create your logon credentials.

Existing Users: Please enter your credentials and log in. If you forgot your password, please use the "Forgot your Password?" link to the left to reset your password.

Not Sure? If you think that someone at your organization has already been registered in the system, do not create a new account. Please contact Samantha Rowbottom at samantha.rowbottom@state.mn.us to receive a user name and password. 

Please note, this URL and portal is only for the Minnesota Department of Health Office of Rural Health and Primary Care. If you are trying to access another division's grants portal, please access here: 
MDH - Child & Family Health
DHS - Behavioral Health Division