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Find new international markets for your business.

ITA can help your business navigate the global market.

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Helping American companies expand their exports to new markets.

Among U.S. companies that export, more than half only export to one market. 

The Market Diversification Tool can help identify potential new export markets using your current trade patterns. Based on the products you export and the markets you currently export to, the tool uses an algorithm to rank potential markets you may want to consider as future export markets. 

The algorithm used to develop the ranking does three main things. It: 

  1. Compares potential export markets to the market where you are already exporting, based on the premise that it may be easier to export to similar countries
  2. Examines product-specific trade data to see whether potential markets are primed for more exports from the U.S. of the product(s) in question; and 
  3. Considers data that reflects whether potential export markets are generally good markets for exporting and doing business

The Market Diversification Tool was developed by the Industry and Analysis unit within the International Trade Administration. 

It is a great starting point to supplement your own research into potential export markets. We strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with the tool for the best results.

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