COVID-19 Case Incidence Rate Maps

Beginning March 2023, incidence rate maps and data can be found at: Incidence Rate Map Interactive Dashboard

Beginning Monday, March 7, 2022, COVID-19 data will be reported weekly and updated each Monday by 5 p.m.

The seven-day incidence is calculated by taking the total number of unique cases in each county over the past seven days, divided by seven to get a daily average, divided by the U.S. census bureau county population and multiplied by 100,000 to get the incidence per 100,000 people. The cases counted each day are based on the date an investigation was opened in the National Electronic Disease Surveillance System. Duplicate cases are removed before the calculation, so each positive case is included only once. Note: Beginning March 7, 2022 incidence rate maps are generated once a week on Mondays. The incidence rate maps are published by 5pm every Monday.​​
