Chaiten 2008

View of Chaitén lava dome looking north, on May 26, 2008. Note simultaneous explosion and effusion of new lava on left-central side of dome. Caldera is about 3 km wide.
 (Click image to view full size.)
View of Chaitén lava dome looking north, on May 26, 2008. Note simultaneous explosion and effusion of new lava on left-central side of dome. Caldera is about 3 km wide.

Chaiten is a caldera volcano located in Chile. In May 2, 2008 it started erupting and continued on till late November for the first time in 9,400 years (Lara, 2009). The unique thing was it was the first large-scale plinian rhyolitic eruption to be observed. The eruption spread across Chile and towards Argentina, reaching the Atlantic Ocean with a plume height of 30 km (19 miles) and dispersed ash over more than than 200,000 km2 in Chile and Argentina (Wilson et al, 2009).