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PTACC Ticker
Wednesday, May 27th

PTACC Announces Pandemic Guidance for the field of Deflection & PAD
As part of an ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic, PTACC is providing to our field the 10 Steps deflection and pre-arrest diversion sites can take to continue operating DURING the pandemic, as well as 10 Steps to think about, plan, and prepare for coming out of and AFTER the pandemic. 

Access the full document here.

PTACC is available to provide assistance to sites that are continuing to put deflection and pre-arrest diversion responses in place during the coronavirus pandemic, including guidance as described in this 10 Steps document. In addition, PTACC requests that sites share their pandemic deflection and pre-arrest diversion response efforts with us so we can share them with our field. To submit information, email PTACC at

PTACC COVID-19 Resources
Visit our website for an updated list of COVID-19 resources for the field.

PTACC Partners in the Spotlight

Ammon Labs: Expanded COVID Testing Capability
Ammon Labs has taken additional steps to support the health and well-being of their clients and patients and currently has the capability to test for COVID-19 antigen (active Infection) along with COVID-19 Antibody IgM and IgG. Their goal is to provide testing for anyone exhibiting definitive COVID-19 symptoms or may have been exposed to the virus. In addition, for employers, they offer a turnkey onsite employee testing option for COVID-19 antibodies (Workforce testing) which can help provide employers with an informed back to work plan.

Ammon is committed to running their toxicology and blood lab 24/7 while continuing to provide screening testing results within 8 hours and 29 minutes and confirmation results within 24 hours and 47 minutes. In addition, they provide data analytics, synthetic drug testing, and full access to forensic toxicologists and laboratory staff support to all of their clients.
See below for more information on:

LEAP: Safe Decarceration to Reduce Spread of COVID-19
Law Enforcement Action Partnership (LEAP) just released this video of Superintendent Rick Van Wickler from the Chesire County Jail (NH), explaining how to safely decarcerate to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Did you see it?

NACoA: What Grandparents CAN Do- Covid-19 and Parental Addiction
National Association for Children of Addiction addresses the needs of grandparents that are searching for ways to help their grandchildren during these challenging and difficult times, and recommends the following resources to help grandparents:

LEAP Webinar: Credible Messengers: Violence Prevention and COVID-19
Law Enforcement Action Partnership hosted a webinar with Director Clinton Lacey of the DC Department of Youth Rehabilitative Services (DYRS) and former Latin Kings leader Antonio Fernandez to discuss how DC and New York are preventing violence with the Credible Messengers model, in which the justice system employs formerly incarcerated people as mentors.  As COVID-19 creates an urgent need for decarceration, Credible Messengers demonstrate an effective community-based alternative. 

The results of Credible Messengers have been shown by an Urban Institute study, which found an over 50 percent decrease in 2-year recidivism.

Access the webinar recording here and the powerpoint here
Want to get involved in the growing field of 
deflection and pre-arrest diversion field?
Then join a PTACC Strategy Area today! Click Here

Check It Out! The PTACC National Pre-Arrest Diversion Resource Website

PTACC is the NATIONAL voice of the pre-arrest diversion field and provides vision, leadership, advocacy, and education to facilitate the growth and practice of deflection and pre-arrest diversion across the United States.
© 2018 Police, Treatment and Community Collaborative (PTACC)

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