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Link URLs in this page

  1. Slips and trips
  2. The law
  3. Frequently asked questions
  4. Overview - Are you a?
  5. Employer
  6. Employee
  7. Architect or designer
  8. Overview - Causes and prevention
  9. Overview - Contamination
  10. Cleaning
  11. Flooring
  12. Overview - Footwear
  13. Supplying slip-resistant footwear
  14. Environment
  15. People (human factors)
  16. Overview - Resources
  17. Publications
  18. Overview - Tools
  19. STEP eLearning package
  20. Overview - Slips Assessment Tool (SAT)
  21. Using SAT
  22. Research reports
  23. Case studies
  24. Campaigns
  25. Useful links
  26. Audio and video
  27. Subscribe
  28. Preventing slips and trips at work INDG 225(rev1)
  29. Hazard Spotting Checklist
  30. Slips and trips mapping tool - An aid for safety representatives
  31. Slips and trips - The importance of floor cleaning
  32. Assessing the slip resistance of flooring
  33. Preventing slips and trips in kitchens and food service
  34. CIRIA - Safer surfaces to walk on – Reducing the risk of slipping
  35. Slips and trips - Hazard spotting checklist
  36. Preventing slips and trips at work INDG 225 (rev1)
  37. Injury caused by a slip in a kitchen
  38. Virtual College: Slips, Trips and Falls Online Training
  39. CIRIA
  40. Usdaw: Risk mapping for slips and trips
  41. Work at height
  42. Shattered Lives
  43. Cleaning
  44. Stop Slips in Kitchens
  45. RIDDOR - Report an incident

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995

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