WAVE Sampling Season Ends Today

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
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WAVE Sampling Season Ends Today

The WAVE Sampling season officially ends today, September 30. Thank you to everyone who participated!

Please submit your samples before November 30th. I've repeated instructions on how to submit your samples and field notes/photos below my tag line. 

I look forward to working with all the participants, new and old, as we review, interpret, and apply the data results. This can be a challenging step but I encourage all participants to stay active in the process even after their samples have been delivered.

Thank you for your contribution to WAVE!

Keleigh Reynolds

WAVE Coordinator

 625 Broadway, 4th floor, Albany, NY 12233 
Phone: 518 402 8236            Email: wave@dec.ny.gov  
WAVE website: http://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/92229.html


Instructions on how to submit your WAVE data:

You’ll have until November 30th to submit your voucher collections and data sheets. The simplest way to do so is to mail them to me (see address above) using the USPS packaging instructions for small volume flammable liquids (USPS Packaging Instructions). 

Please email me your photos! Feel free to send photos even if you felt your stream was healthy. These can be valuable future references.

I am emailing the sample results to the collectors as soon as I process them. Once I have processed all the samples, I will post these data to our online data map.