Winter Safety Zone: Slips & Falls | Road Construction | 988 Lifeline | Workers' Safety Services

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Winter 2024

Slip & Fall - Person standing atop slippery stairs

Winter Weather Slips & Falls

Slips, trips and falls are one of the top causes of workers’ compensation injuries in Missouri. Slips and falls on ice or snow are particularly problematic this time of year. With planning and preparation, you can protect yourself and your employees:

  • Monitor weather forecasts for incoming winter weather conditions and be prepared to initiate your snow removal policies.
  • For whomever is designated to clear snow and ice from the parking lot and walking surfaces, make sure expectations are clear and that they have all necessary equipment available. If this responsibility is contracted out to someone else, make sure expectations are clear.
  • Wear proper footwear, ideally well-insulated, non-slip shoes with rubber soles.
  • Slow down and take smaller, shorter steps – “Walk like a penguin!”
  • Keep your hands out of your pockets. This will help you use your arms for balance and can also help if you do fall.
  • Be careful entering/exiting your vehicle. Swing using both legs and place both feet flat on ground before exiting your vehicle. Maintain three points of contact and hold on to your vehicle for support.
  • If possible, plan ahead and allow yourself plenty of time to get to where you’re going so you aren't in a rush.
  • Once inside a building, still remain cautious for water and ice inside entryways. Remove snow and ice from your shoes as much as possible. Report walking surfaces that need additional snow or ice removal or more ice melt materials.
  • Use wet floor signage and use high quality floor mats.

Start off the New Year upright and prevent slip and fall injuries! For other safe work practices that employers should use in cold weather visit

Road Work Ahead Sign

Upcoming Road Construction

Everyone that travels hates having to deal with work zones on the highway. We all have to slow down, merge and even deal with standstills, but we need to remember that there are workers on that project who have loved ones who want them to come home at the end of their shift. According to the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT), there were 19 work zone fatalities in 2023.

Transportation improvement projects, including road and bridge work, are happening all across the state. The I-70 expansion project is projected to begin this year to make critical safety and efficiency upgrades, including between Columbia and Kingdom City. The entire project will affect 240 miles from St. Louis to Kansas City and will take several years to complete, meaning work zone safety needs to be top of mind for Missouri motorists.

Don’t Zone Out in Work Zones

According to MoDOT, driver inattention is the number one cause of work zone crashes:

  • Buckle Up! – Every trip, every time – safety belts save lives.
  • Put Your Phone Down! – Dedicate your full attention to the roadway. 
  • Follow Signs! – They’ll guide you through work zones safely. 
  • Expect the Unexpected! – Watch for flaggers, workers and equipment. 
  • Pay Attention! – Turn the radio down and don’t use your cellular phone.
  • Be Patient! – Remember workers are improving the road for future travels. 
  • Don’t Speed! – Follow posted limits and adjust for weather conditions. 
  • Don’t Drink and Drive! – Impairment of any kind is unacceptable. 
  • Be Nice! – Merge as directed, don’t tailgate and don’t change lanes in a work zone.

Before your next trip, check for road work and road conditions on MoDOT’s Traveler Information Map:

For more work zone safety information visit

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - Chat with Lifeline

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

The holiday season can be very lonely and stressful for some, yet many people still suffer from difficulties of anxiety and depression even after the holidays are over. Workplaces can be a very important setting for suicide prevention efforts. Work provides a source of personal satisfaction and meaning, interpersonal relationships and financial security.

We spend a majority of our waking hours at work, where co-workers and supervisors can help spot behavioral changes and signs of increased suicide risk. However, some occupations have been found to have higher suicide rates than others (construction workers, law enforcement officers, veterinarians, some healthcare workers) and some workplace factors (low job security, job stress, bullying, access to lethal means such as medications and firearms, and long work hours/shift work) can contribute to an increased risk of suicide.

Steps employers can take for suicide prevention include limiting access to lethal means, providing peer support, reducing stigma, and providing access to mental health services, including sharing information on the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline has received millions of calls, texts and online messages since its launch in the summer of 2022. This 24/7 resource is staffed by trained crisis specialists who are there to help those persons experiencing suicidal thoughts, substance use, a mental health crisis, or any emotional distress. For more information visit

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Sign Up for Missouri Workers’ Safety Program Services

Missouri Workers' Safety Program Logo

The Missouri Workers’ Safety Program helps employers improve workplace safety and reduce their workers’ compensation insurance costs. We work to ensure that Missouri businesses have access to individualized safety and health services. There are three ways for an employer to receive service:

  1. Your workers’ compensation insurance carrier must provide you with individualized safety assistance at your request. Ask your carrier about these services today. If you feel that your carrier is not providing you with adequate service, contact the Missouri Workers’ Safety Program.
  2. The Missouri Workers’ Safety Program maintains a list of certified safety consultants and engineers who can offer you independent services.
  3. The Missouri Workers’ Safety Program offers free safety and health services to Missouri businesses. Contact us today for additional information or complete a Request for Services.


2024 Missouri Mine Safety and Health Conference – January 11 and 12

Participants will gather at Lake of the Ozarks to learn from industry experts and leaders, share safety ideas and techniques and talk to vendors offering the latest technology and safety gear. To register or find out more:

Safety and Health Program Management Training – February 29 – VIRTUAL!

This is a free class offered by the Missouri On-Site Safety and Health Consultation Program. Attendees will learn how to develop a fully functioning safety and health management program. Space is limited, so reserve your seat today by calling 573-522-7233. To find out more:

Minimum Wage Increase

Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage rate increased to $12.30. Find more information and download a new minimum wage poster here:

Contributing authors:

Jennifer Hyleck
Missouri Workers’ Safety Program

Amanda Kremer
Missouri Workers’ Safety Program

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