How good is your home and your local place? results

We know that where you live is about more than just bricks and mortar. Our homes and local places are really important for our wellbeing and sense of belonging. Many of us have been spending more time at home this year. We know it’s been a difficult time for many people, so we wanted to say thank you to all the tenants and leaseholders who have taken the time to tell us what it’s really like to live in your council home and local place.

‘How good is your home and your local place?’ was organised by staff from Kirklees Council and Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing (KNH). We used a tool called the “Place Standard”, which is a way of thinking about any place by using some simple questions, based on 14 themes. It’s all about your experience of your local place.

We also asked tenants and leaseholders how housing services in Kirklees should be managed in the future and how you’d like to be involved. What participants told us has informed the final decision by Kirklees Council’s Cabinet on 20th October 2020 to bring the housing services managed by KNH together with wider council services.

Who participated?

We sent a printed questionnaire to every KNH tenant and leaseholder in Kirklees. There were also other ways to take part – by talking through your experiences on the phone, by completing an online questionnaire or by taking part in an online group discussion (these were designed for communities where we had received fewer comments at the time).


citizens took part

Congratulations to our prize draw winners

What people said about their home and local place

Quotes from tenants and leaseholders

Have a look at our results summaries to see what people said:

1. Comments summary (PDF)

A summary of what participants said about their home and local place, including all 14 themes, overall average scores and the number of comments.

2. The future of council housing in Kirklees (PDF)

Graphs showing the options participants chose for questions about the future of housing services and how you would like to be involved.

3. Score sheets (PDF)

How participants scored the 14 themes, including differences for age groups, gender, ethnicity, disability and place.

4. Results by ward

Result summaries from each individual ward, of what participants said about their home and local place, including average scores and the number of comments.

Download our data

You can also look at the results in more detail by downloading our data.

We have removed any information which affects people’s privacy (for example, where participants have included people’s names or very specific places). 

What happens next?

Kirklees Neighbourhood HousingBased on what tenants and leaseholders told us, Kirklees Council’s Cabinet have decided to bring KNH together with Kirklees Council. This change will happen on 1st April 2021.

Cabinet decision, 20th October 2020

We are also exploring new and improved ways of listening to and involving tenants and leaseholders. This includes ways of hearing from younger tenants, those from different communities and places, children of tenants and young families. Your valuable input will help shape local services and priorities.

We’ll use what we learned to work with you to improve our local places. We’ll be working with tenants and leaseholders, local councillors, local residents and partner organisations to act on what you’ve said.

To find out more or to get involved, please email or call us on: 01484 223219.

How good is your home and your local place?