To the moon and back

Python on the web

Filipe Fernandes

Dec 08, 2022

Before we start

What are our needs?

  • We need a fast serveless solution.
  • With the basic scientific packages (numpy, scipy, pandas, matplotlib),
  • and at least some met/ocean specific packages like: netCDF4 (netcdf-c, hdf5), geopandas (geos), cartopy (proj), cftime (cython extension), cf_units (udunits2), etc.

Please keep this in mind as we navigate this presentation.

Bit of history

Python on the web is not a new idea. There were many, attempts with different degrees of success, in the past years.

Running on a server

Running on a server

Cloud plans

Running on a server

HTMX Project



In-browser re-implementation (failed live demos)



Can we do better than transpiling to/or reimplementing in JS?

Wasm is the closest we ever got to a universal binary.

(Maybe) some successful live demos



Why is Pyodide a good option?

  • Based on Emscripten
  • Heavy download but fast execution
  • Full CPython + scientific distribution
  • Pure Python packages are installable
  • Compiled packages can be added

What else is missing?

We need to be able to:

  • Easily deploy Apps as HTML without compiling or downloading you own Pyodide
  • Control the installed packages
  • Choose the pyodide version
  • Access to the DOM and some JS ↔︎ Python exchange
  • Some pre-built “web comfort” functions

Enter PyScript

  • Builds on top of and manages pyodide
  • No installation required
  • Environment management


How to use it?

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script defer src=""></script>

and a pyscript tag,

<py-script> print('Hello, World!') </py-script>

What is the difference between PyScript and Pyodide?

Flexible config: control pyodide version

  src = ""
  name = "pyodide-0.21.3"
  lang = "python"

Flexible config: modules and even local wheels

<py-config src="./custom.toml">
  files = ["./"]
  packages = [

PyScript: Labeled elements

    <b><p>Today is <u><label id='today'></label></u></p></b>
    <div id="pi" class="alert alert-primary"></div>
      import datetime as dt
      pyscript.write('today','%A %B %d, %Y'))

      def compute_pi(n):
          pi = 2
          for i in range(1,n):
              pi *= 4 * i ** 2 / (4 * i ** 2 - 1)
          return pi

      pi = compute_pi(100000)
      pyscript.write('pi', f'pi is approximately {pi:.3f}')


Many built-in functionalities

But… Before we dive into that…

Still under heavy-development

Some of the built-in functionalities

<div id="manual-write"></div>
<button py-click="write_to_page()" id="manual">Say Hello</button>
<div id="display-write"></div>
<button py-click="display_to_div()" id="display">Say Things!</button>
<button py-click="print_to_page()" id="print">Print Things!</button>


JavaScript to PyScript

    name = "Guido" //A JS variable

    // Define a JS Function
    function addTwoNumbers(x, y){
        return x + y;
    # Import and use JS function and variable into Python
    from js import name, addTwoNumbers

    print(f"Hello {name}")
    print("Adding 1 and 2 in Javascript: " + str(addTwoNumbers(1, 2)))

PyScript to JavaScript

    <py-script>x = 42</py-script>

    <button onclick="showX()">Click Me to Get 'x' from Python</button>
        function showX(){
            console.log(`In Python right now, x = ${PyScript.globals.get('x')}`)


What can our community do with this?

glider of the day

ioos_qc explorer

ioos_qc csv uploader

What if we cannot access the web?


  • Python in the browser: Enable drop-in content, external file hosting, and application hosting without the reliance on server-side configuration (no subscriptions, no remote downtime, no data is exchanged)
  • Python ecosystem: Run many popular packages of Python and the scientific stack (such as numpy, pandas, scikit-learn, and more)


  • Python with JavaScript: Bi-directional communication between Python and Javascript objects and namespaces
  • Environment management: Allow users to define what packages and files to include for the page code to run
  • Ship your app zero dependencies: Easy upgrades for legacy systems
  • Visual application development: Use readily available curated UI components, such as buttons, containers, text boxes, and more
