How do I select geographic components such as urban/rural?

Here are quick links to some common geographic components at the state level:


To select geographic components for a single geography, follow these steps. In this example, we will walk through how to select urban/rural for Hawaii:

  • Open the filter panel
  • Under the Geography heading, select State
  • Click the tab to Show Geographic Components

    Screenshot the filter panel on It shows the user clicking State and then clicking the tab at the top to "Show Geographic Components" in order to view filter options for geographic components in the list below.
  • Rather than scrolling through the long list, the easiest option is select the geographies for Alabama, and then edit the URL to change your state to Hawaii. Check the boxes for:
    • Alabama -- Rural
    • Alabama -- Urban

      Screenshot of the state level filter panel with geographic components. It shows the user clicking the check boxes to select "Alabama -- Rural" and "Alabama -- Urban."
  • Notice the state code in the URL in your address bar is 01

    Screenshot showing the URL corresponding to the filter selections for Alabama -- Rural and Alabama -- Urban. It shows two instances of US01 in the URL, where 01 refers to the state code for Alabama.
  • Change both instances of state code 01 to 15 and press enter (see FIPS Code list). Notice the  filters on the left will say Hawaii--Rural and Hawaii--Urban

    Screenshot showing both instances of "US01" in the URL being updated to "US15," where 15 refers to the state code for Hawaii. It shows that after this update is applied, the user will see filter selections for Hawaii -- Rural and Hawaii -- Urban in the filter selections.
  • From here you can add your filter for a topic or enter a table ID and continue with your search.

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