Apply for VA health care
VA health care covers care for your physical and mental health. This includes a range of services from checkups to surgeries to home health care. It also includes prescriptions and medical equipment. Apply online now.
Have you applied for VA health care before?
What to know before you fill out this form
Make sure you meet our eligibility requirements for enrollment before you apply.
Note: We can help connect you with mental health care—no matter your discharge status, service history, or eligibility for VA health care.
You may be eligible to enroll in VA health care if all of these statements are true:
- You served in the active military, naval, or air service (including being called up from the National Guard or Reserve by a federal order), and
- You didn’t receive a dishonorable discharge, and
- You meet at least one of the service requirements for enrollment
You must meet at least one of these service requirements:
- You served at least 24 months in a row without a break (called continuous), or for your full active-duty period, or
- You were discharged for a service-connected disability, or
- You were discharged for a hardship or “early out,” or
- You served before September 7, 1980
Note: Time spent on active-duty status for training purposes only doesn’t count toward the service requirements.
Here’s what you’ll need to apply:
- Social Security numbers for you, your spouse (if you’re married), and any dependents you may have.
- Insurance card information for all health insurance companies that cover you. This includes any coverage that you get through a spouse or significant other. This also includes Medicare, private insurance, or insurance from your employer.
You can also provide this information:
- Your military service history information and details about exposure to toxins or hazards.
- A copy of your DD214 or other separation documents. If you sign in to apply, we may be able to fill in your military service information for you. If you don’t sign in to apply, you can upload a copy of your DD214 or other separation documents.
- Income information for you, your spouse, or any dependents you may have. This includes income from a job and any other sources.
- Deductible expenses (expenses that you can subtract from your income) for you and your spouse. These expenses will lower the amount of money we count as income.
We’ll take you through each step of the process. It should take about 35 minutes.
We process health care applications within about a week. We’ll send you a letter in the mail with our decision.
If you don’t receive your decision letter within a week after you apply, please don’t apply again. Call us at
Sign in now to save time and save your work in progress
Here’s how signing in now helps you:
- We can fill in some of your information for you to save you time.
- You can save your work in progress. You’ll have 60 days from when you start or make updates to your application to come back and finish it.
Note: You can sign in after you start your application. But you’ll lose any information you already filled in.
Public Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this project is 2900-0091, and it expires 07/31/2027. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 35 minutes per respondent, per year, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate and any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to VA Reports Clearance Officer at Please refer to OMB Control No. 2900-0091 in any correspondence. Do not send your completed VA Form 10-10EZ to this email address.
Privacy Act information: VA is asking you to provide the information on this form under 38 U.S.C. Sections 1705,1710, 1712, and 1722 in order for VA to determine your eligibility for medical benefits. Information you supply may be verified from initial submission forward through a computer-matching program. VA may disclose the information that you put on the form as permitted by law. VA may make a “routine use” disclosure of the information as outlined in the Privacy Act systems of records notices and in accordance with the VHA Notice of Privacy Practices. Providing the requested information is voluntary, but if any or all of the requested information is not provided, it may delay or result in denial of your request for health care benefits. Failure to furnish the information will not have any effect on any other benefits to which you may be entitled. If you provide VA your Social Security Number, VA will use it to administer your VA benefits. VA may also use this information to identify Veterans and persons claiming or receiving VA benefits and their records, and for other purposes authorized or required by law.
If you have trouble using this online application, call our MyVA411 main information line at
If you need help gathering your information or filling out your application/form, you can appoint a VA accredited representative.
If you have questions about VA health care, call our Health Eligibility Center at