The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems
Rhodes, GR
Smart Initiatives to Improve Last-mile and
50 feet Logistics to Improve Freight Fluidity
Virtual Workshop
Sunday, September 20, 2020
1:30pm - 4:30pm

Evangelos I. Kaisar, PhD., Florida Atlantic University, presiding
Petros Ioannou, PhD., University of Southern California, presiding
This workshop aims to address critical issues affecting planning, design, operation, and safety. Will also focus on identifying innovative strategies and technologies which are being developed to facilitate ‘last-mile’ delivery challenges.

A rapid development of new technologies, in the last few years, has created opportunities for resolving many critical freight transportation challenges. The workshop will establish a process to evaluate operational changes or technology applications which support the timely flow of freight movements through the transportation system. Additionally, it will deal with various newly emerged initiatives in the area of logistics and supply chain, such as sustainable logistics systems, methods for last mile deliveries and logistics terminals siting and operations

The involvement of speakers and participants from academia, federal and state agencies and industry will ensure a multidimensional discussion. The workshop break-out sessions will engage participants and facilitate research-oriented discussions. Break-out sessions will introduce participants with the whole concept of Smart Freight Mobility as well as serve for information exchange of the research accomplishments.
Workshop Agenda
1:30 pm – 1:40 pm Welcome and Overview of the Workshop
Dr. Evangelos I. Kaisar, Florida Atlantic University &
Dr. Petros Ioannou, University of Southern California

1:40 pm - 2:40 pm Last Mile Deliveries

On Demand Warehousing Techniques for City Logistics
Elpida Xenou, Leonidas Parodos, Georgia Ayfantopoulou,
Center for Research & Technology, Hellas

A Critical Analysis and Synthesis of Recent Research Efforts.
Georgia Ayfantopoulou, Ioannis Mallidis, Aristos Halatsis, Elpida Xenou,
Center for Research & Technology, Hellas

Shared Locker System Design and Truck Routing for the Last-Mile Delivery
Yufeng Zhang, Alireza Khani, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

2:45 pm - 4:20 pm Smart Initiatives

Consumer demand for autonomous delivery robots
Sabyasachee Mishra, University of Memphis

Last-Mile Operation in Smart Mobility Freight System:
Planning Freight Vehicles Along Consecutive Signalized Intersections  
Xiao Xiao, Texas A&M University System, College Station

Evaluation of Freight and Transit Signal Priority Strategies in Multi-Modal
Corridors: Development of FSP and TSP Guidelines
Taraneh Ardalan, University of Pittsburgh

Autonomous Delivery Vehicle in Urban E-Grocery Delivery:
A Two-Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem
Dan Liu, Florida Atlantic University 

4:20 pm – 4:30 pm  Research Prioritization Discussion
Dr. Evangelos I. Kaisar, Florida Atlantic University &
Dr. Petros Ioannou, University of Southern California
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