Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.

Matthew 25:40

who we are

We are a faith based, Christian organization, committed to helping individuals and families in need of support through a compassionate, prayerful, non-judgmental atmosphere. Partnering with local churches, community-minded businesses, and caring individuals we prioritize providing resources to keep families in their homes to prevent and reduce homelessness in the Wenatchee Valley.

What we do

Through our careful intake process, we identify and meet needs for rental assistance, groceries & nonfoods (including diapers) through our Fresh Hope Market, and furniture through our ReFind ministry. We cooperate with churches and other social service providers, in the Wenatchee Valley, to promote a healthier community. In addition, we sponsor several large-scale outreach events throughout the year including: Clothes for the Classroom, Coats for Kids, Baskets of Blessing, and Glory of Christmas.

Why we do It

As a Christian organization, we take seriously the class to love God, and love others. Jesus had a heart for the poor and marginalized. The work we do in our community is a reflection of the fact that God loves the Wenatchee Valley and we love Him through loving our neighbors. God has a very expansive definition of neighbor and so do we!

join us on may 11th to help

stamp out hunger