Please see below details of our upcoming webinar series for providers and how to sign up to them to hear about the upcoming changes.
Local Authority assessments
The Health and Care Act 2022 gives us new powers that allow us to provide a meaningful and independent assessment of care at a local authority level. We are expecting our new powers to start this April. They will enable us to start to understand the quality of care in a local area and provide independent assurance to the public of the quality of care in their area.
This one-hour webinar will be an opportunity for providers and professionals who work in health and social care services, organisations who represent them, other stakeholders, local authorities, and stakeholders that represent the public to hear about our approach to assessing local authorities and what it means for you.
The webinar will be led by Mary Cridge, our director of Adult Social Care and will take place on Thursday 13 April, 11am-12pm.
There will be a presentation and time to answer your questions from our live chat.
Registering your place Click 'reserve a spot' on this Eventbrite page, and fill out the registration form. Registrations will close at 9am on Thursday 13 April. We will not be able to accept new registrations after this time.
CQC’s new regulatory approach
To deliver our ambitious strategy, we need to change how we work. We will regulate in a smarter way, adapting and responding to risk, uncertainty and demand. We will understand the quality of care in a local area or healthcare system to improve it and keep people safe.
In this upcoming webinar we’ll be updating on our implementation timeline for our new regulatory approach and new provider portal. We’ll be letting providers know when we expect our new regulatory approach to start impacting them and the steps we’ll take to get there.
This one-hour webinar will be an opportunity for providers and professionals who work in health and social care services, organisations who represent them and other stakeholders to hear the latest updates about our new regulatory approach.
The webinar will be led by Kate Terroni, our Deputy Chief Executive and Chris Day, our director of engagement and will take place on Thursday 13 April, 2-3pm.
There will be a presentation and time to answer your questions from our live chat.
Registering your place Click 'reserve a spot' on this Eventbrite page, and fill out the registration form. Registrations will close at 12pm on Thursday 13 April. We will not be able to accept new registrations after this time.
The Health and Care Act 2022 gives us powers to assess whether integrated care systems are meeting the needs of their local populations. We expect these new powers to start this April. They will enable us to understand how integrated care systems are working to tackle health inequalities and improve outcomes for people. This work will also provide independent and meaningful assurance to the public of the quality of care in their area.
This one-hour webinar will be an opportunity for providers and professionals who work in health and social care services, organisations who represent them, other stakeholders, local authorities, integrated care systems and stakeholders that represent the public to hear about our approach to assessing integrated care systems and what it means for them.
The webinar will be led by Amanda Williams, our Interim Director of integration, inequalities and improvement and will take place on Monday 17 April, 10-11am.
There will be a presentation and time to answer your questions from our live chat.
Registering your place Click 'reserve a spot' on this Eventbrite page, and fill out the registration form. Registrations will close at 8am on Monday 17 April. We will not be able to accept new registrations after this time.
Other ways to watch this webinar series