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Sue Kane demonstrates the use of NCW Tech Alliance's tech-based demographic map of north-central Washington to highlight communities in need of access to technology and corresponding education.

Editor’s note: This article previously published in the March Wenatchee Valley Business World.

Tech in the valley: Unveiling the power of AI integration in Wenatchee's business landscape (copy)

Wenatchee Valley Business World prompted ChatGPT's DALL-E image generator with the following prompt: "show me an image depicting ai usage in cyber security for a news story with this headline: tech in the valley, unveiling the power of AI integration in Wenatchee's business landscape" and this image was a result.

NCW — Artificial intelligence — a buzz topic that can generate fear and excitement. While artificial intelligence systems may create uncertainty, and in some cases evoke the uncanny in all aspects of life, in the world of business they are already used in the Wenatchee Valley.

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Sue Kane poses next to the front door of the NCW Tech Alliance office in Pybus Public Market on Feb. 9.

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Sue Kane demonstrates the use of NCW Tech Alliance's tech-based demographic map of north-central Washington to highlight communities in need of access to technology and corresponding education Feb. 9.

Tech in the valley: Unveiling the power of AI integration in Wenatchee's business landscape (copy)
A utility worker with Chelan PUD installs advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) into an electrical meter in 2023. AMI is enabled with AI and enhances real-time response capabilities during outages, reducing response times by 15% or more.
Ian Fitzgerald

Ian Fitzgerald 

Chelan County PUD

Rochelle Bohm

Rochelle Bohm

CMI Orchards

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Firefly Sales and Business Development Manager Charlie Van Liew poses with a wall safe located in the Firefly office Feb. 13. The wall safe is original to the building and an interesting relic of security housed in an organization that specializes in cybersecurity.

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The modern workspace of Charlie Van Liew at the Firefly office in Wenatchee.

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Charlie Van Liew gets down to business in his workspace at the Firefly office at 21 S. Chelan Ave., Wenatchee.

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Charlie Van Liew tabs through a company powerpoint in his workspace at the Firefly office located at 21 S. Chelan Ave. in Wenatchee on Tuesday, Feb. 13.

Tech in the valley: Unveiling the power of AI integration in Wenatchee's business landscape (copy)

Wenatchee Valley Business World prompted ChatGPT's DALL-E image generator with the following prompt: "show me an image depicting ai usage in cyber security for a news story with this headline: tech in the valley, unveiling the power of AI integration in Wenatchee's business landscape" and this image was one of the results.

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