Our state is full of leaders, innovative thinkers, and great implementers that continue to set the standard for how America can successfully and responsibly function.

Across Iowa industry and government and from agriculture to small business to manufacturing and clean energy, Iowans develop and implement emission cutting technologies and share them with the rest of the country.

Because of our expertise in being national leaders, it comes as no surprise that U.S. Sens. Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst have become conservative front-runners on bipartisan climate policy that directly benefits Iowa and our agriculture community.

Recently, they signed onto the Growing Climate Solutions Act that was introduced with 21 GOP senator and 20 Democratic sponsors, which enables farmers to monetize their participation in verified, voluntary carbon credit markets.

By engaging in conservation-oriented soil practices that sequester atmospheric carbon, like minimum or no-till and cover crop farming, our farmers can bolster their revenue while playing lead roles in reducing our domestic carbon emissions.

Sen. Grassley is known for his impactful action on biofuels and wind energy, and his leadership created a booming renewable industry in Iowa, leading to broad economic investment in all sectors, demonstrating positive movement for both clean energy and economic investment.

I’ve personally witnessed the incredible economic effects of his support for renewables in northwest Iowa.

This year, our senators are applying the same creative process: Driving common-sense climate policymaking aimed at reducing our emissions to directly benefit one of our most important sectors.

Agriculture touches the life of every Iowan and we all have much to gain from this critical piece of legislation.

Each and every Iowan wins with healthier soils, and cleaner air.

Additionally, when new sustainable income streams are made available to our farming operations, more dollars are injected into our state and local economies.

Iowa’s biofuels industry will also be able to participate in the new carbon credit “cash crop.”

Many farmers including my own family farm partnership are already early adopters of these conservation-friendly practices that sequester carbon that will prove the positive impact in our own fields right here in Iowa.

Although it will not single-handedly solve all our emissions problem in this country it will be a critical first step one that opens the doors to bipartisan, common-sense climate policy over the coming years.

As I have said before, carbon sequestration is a necessary and beneficial objective for the ag community and as the voluntary carbon credit market continues to develop it offers even greater potential for Iowa.

It clearly has the potential of accessibility and simple and accurate verification which translates into great growth opportunities on the horizon for Iowa and Iowa’s agriculture.

I am pleased and proud that I can thank Sens. Grassley and Ernst for their support of this legislation and that I and all Iowans can count on their future leadership on bipartisan climate solutions.

Al Giese of Milford is the owner of Prairie Feed & Trucking in Milford. He may be reached at al@prairiefeedandtrucking.com.