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Welcome to the Oregon Business Registry

Login or create a new account to register a new business, get a certificate of existence or update your business information.

Renew or reinstate your existing business.

We now offer email notices for renewals.

The Secretary of State Corporation Division supports the current version of the following desktop browsers. If you are not using one of these browsers (or versions) to interact with our website, please download or upgrade to a new browser or supported version. If you elect not to upgrade your desktop browser, your experience may not be optimal or secure, or you may not be able to use certain tools on our website. Current Browser Versions Supported browsers include:

  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer version 9.0 and higher
  • Mozilla Firefox
Safari users (commonly available on Apple products including Macintosh) may have a better experience using one of the above listed browsers.

Note: The Oregon Business Registry application will not function in browser modes that do not support cookies (e.g. incognito mode in Google Chrome), or browsers configured to prevent the creation of cookies.

AVAILABLE NOW: A new update is now available for the Oregon Business Registry. This update will give Limited Partnerships and Non Profits the option to Reinstate an inactive business on-line.