WSDA COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Grants
The application period for this grant closed on April 26, 2021.
WSDA provided nearly $15 million in small business assistance grants to help agriculture businesses and organizations in sectors that have been economically hurt due to marketplace disruptions created by the necessary public health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The WSDA Relief and Recovery Grants provided support to small businesses and organizations in four sectors that play an important role in the economic viability of Washington agriculture and have been economically impacted due to the COVID-19 public health emergency. This grant serves the public purpose of bolstering the viability of the Washington State agricultural industry, helping prevent business closures, and hence supporting the health and diversity of Washington State’s economy.
WSDA allocated funds from the Disaster Response Account managed by the State of Washington Office of Financial Management, pursuant to Chapter 7, Laws of 2020 by providing WSDA Relief and Recovery Grants.
Grant Amount
Grant awards are approximately $15,000.
WSDA awarded grants at the close of the application period to qualifying applicants. Specific set award amounts and guidelines varied by each specific grant program and were in the range of $15,000. WSDA reserved the right to adjust grant amounts based on available funds and number of applicants.
Recipient FAQ’s
The information here is provided as general guidance for awardees of WSDA Relief and Recovery Grant funds. WSDA cannot provide financial or tax guidance. We recommend that award recipients contact an accountant or licensed financial advisor with questions or concerns about how to allocate and spend funds awarded through this, and any other state or federal grant.
Q: Is the email I received from a scam?
A: If you received an email notice of award and request for additional information from, it is not a scam. LiveStories is WSDA’s contracted partner to manage the “Forward” online grant portal and process grant payments. You will receive instructions and additional communications from LiveStories in order to deposit the grant funds in your account. LiveStories will also communicate with you about any needed taxpayer identification information (e.g. W-9 form).
Q: Who do I talk to with questions about the payment process?
A: Please contact Forward Support at LiveStories directly: or 800-819-9785
Q: Why is the amount of my award different from what I expected?
A: WSDA reserved the right to adjust award amounts (increase or decrease) based on factors such as number of applicants and available funds. WSDA was pleased to be in position to increase the grant amount in some cases.
Q: How long will it take to receive the actual funds?
A: All awards funds will be disbursed by June 15, 2021. You will receive an email from alerting you that the funds transfer has been initiated and when you should expect the funds to appear in your account.
Q: Is the grant award taxable?
A: These grants are not subject to Washington State’s business and occupation (B&O) tax, public utility tax, or retail sales tax.
Grants are considered taxable income at this point in time; however, businesses should contact an accountant or tax attorney to be advised on any federal tax obligations.
Q: Does this grant need to be repaid?
A: No, the grant does not need to be repaid, but all taxes associated with the acceptance and use of the cash awards are the sole responsibility of the grantee.
Q: What can I spend the award on?
A: This grant is to be used to help pay expenses necessary to prevent permanent business closure due to economic and business operating challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Expenses may include, but are not limited to rent, mortgage, utilities, and other expenses necessary to prevent permanent business closures.
Q: What am I prohibited from spending the award on?
A: Grant funds cannot be used to fill a shortfall in taxes, licenses, state, county, federal or municipal fees, or any other government revenues and obligations. Costs that have been previously reimbursed by other funders, including prior state, federal or private grant programs, are not eligible to be reimbursed by this program’s grant funding. Other ineligible expenses include lobbying, salary increases and bonuses, personal expenses, and alcohol (except in the case of supplies used in craft beverage production and/or inventory for a bar or restaurant).
Q: Are there reporting requirements for how I spend the grant funds?
A: There are no reporting requirements to WSDA for this grant. Grantees will not be asked to provide proof of receipts or accounting decisions, unless requested in the case of a State or federal audit. An audit is a possibility. Grantees should keep records for at least six years that document use and allocation of these grant funds.
Q: What are the “terms set forth in the application” that the acknowledgement form refers to?
A: These are the certifications that you made when you signed and submitted your application. The text is copied here for reference:
I am authorized to submit this proposal on behalf of the organization.
I certify this business does not unlawfully discriminate with regard to employees, volunteers, delivery of programs or services, or clients served based on age, sex, religion/creed, race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, marital status, military or veteran’s status, pregnancy, or genetic information.
The information submitted in this application is true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that signing this document does not constitute an approved grant by the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA). Submission of this application does not obligate WSDA in any way to provide a grant.
I understand that grant award amounts may be modified (increased or decreased) at the discretion of the WSDA Director based on eligibility of the Applicant, number applications received, and/or funding availability.
I attest that, if awarded this funding, the award will be used to cover business expenses due to financial hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, including but not limited rent, mortagage and utiliies, or other expenses needed to help prevent permanent closure of by business.
I acknowledge my business may be asked to provide receipts or additional documentation for up to 6 years following the receipt of any grant funding. If any of the expenses paid with grant money are found ineligible according to State or application guidelines, I agree to reimburse WSDA the full amount of the grant award.
I am not and none of the Applicant Business’s owners are presently suspended, debarred, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal or State department or agency, or presently involved in any bankruptcy.
The business is active and is/has been operating in compliance with COVID-19-related orders issued by the Governor and has not been issued a citation, suspension, or revocation of license due to disregarding COVID-19 health or safety measures applicable to the business
I understand that WSDA will rely on the accuracy of the submittals and certifications made with this application. Any misrepresentation or inaccurate information may result in a determination of ineligibility and/or forfeiture of grant funds. I further understand I may be required to submit backup documentation proving the accuracy of my answers.
Q: Who do I contact with additional questions?
A: Please contact WSDA at
Q: Where can I learn about other grants I may qualify for?
A: Information about grants opportunites offered through WSDA is at
The Washington State Department of Commerce has additional grants for Washington businesses. Visit for information on other assistance available to small business operations.