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Welcome to Indiana Graduates Prepared to Succeed (GPS)

We know that students are more than a single test score. In addition to academic mastery, Indiana GPS will elevate a number of key characteristics essential to preparing Indiana’s students for their futures, whether they choose employment, enrollment, or enlistment leading to service.

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Students who participate in Indiana's On My Way Pre-K program perform better on general school readiness skills, including language and literacy skills in kindergarten.

Source: Purdue University

Students who pass the IREAD-3 assessment by grade three are roughly 35% more likely to graduate high school.

Source: Indiana Department of Education

1 out of every 5 third graders in Indiana is not proficient in key literacy skills.

Source: Indiana Department of Education

Early mathematics instruction focuses on concrete concepts before transitioning to more complex ideas after grade six. Students who are meeting growth goals at this critical juncture have a leg up on future math and science learning.

Source: Indiana Department of Education

33% of Indiana sixth graders are meeting their math growth goals.

Source: Indiana Department of Education
Source: Indiana Department of Education
Source: Indiana Commission for Higher Education and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics

Today, 64% of high school students earn college credit, placing them one step closer to completing a credential beyond a high school diploma. Almost 6% of these students earn a college or career credential before graduation, opening doors of future opportunity.

Source: Indiana Department of Education

99% of new jobs created since the Great Recession (2008/2009) go to Americans with some education beyond high school.

Source: Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce

Over the course of a lifetime, Hoosiers with education beyond high school are likely to earn $0 more than those with only a high school diploma.

Source: Indiana Commission for Higher Education

Where is Indiana today?

Image of a set of steps

3rd Grade Literacy

Image of 3rd grade readers

1 out of every 5 third graders in Indiana is not proficient in key literacy skills.

Graduation Cap

College & Career Credentials

Image of graduates walking through a doorway

Today, 64% of high school students earn college credit, placing them one step closer to completing a credential beyond a high school diploma. Almost 6% of these students earn a college or career credential before graduation, opening doors of future opportunity.

stair steps

6th Grade Math Growth

grade 6th math icon

33% of Indiana sixth graders are meeting their math growth goals.

Image of a Graduation Cap

Graduation Pathways Completion

Image of a graduate wearing a graduation gown

89% of Indiana students complete their graduation requirements.

Image of a globe

Employment & Enrollment

Over the course of a lifetime, Hoosiers with education beyond high school are likely to earn $1,000,000 Image of stacks of money more than those with only a high school diploma.

Where are we going?

3rd Grade Literacy

Percentage of grade 3 students showing proficiency on IREAD-3.

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Graduation Pathways Completion

Percentage of grade 12 students who complete graduation requirements.

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Employment & Enrollment

Percentage of grade 12 students employed or enrolled, within Indiana, one year after their expected graduation year. Goal TBD.


6th Grade Math Growth

Percentage of grade 6 students meeting their individual growth targets on the math ILEARN.

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College & Career Credentials

Percentage of grade 12 students earning high quality college and career credentials.

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What is the future of GPS?

As the global economy continues to change and technology advances, the Indiana GPS dashboard must do the same in order to account for the ever-changing needs of Indiana’s students, communities, and employers. IDOE continues to work with stakeholders to ensure Indiana GPS is as meaningful, relevant, and easy to use as possible. We are committed to continuously updating and improving the dashboard and we appreciate your partnership in how this can, and should, look both now and in the future. For more information, click here.