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Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrian Safety

October is Pedestrian Safety Month

October is Pedestrian Safety Month and Walktober in Maryland, and the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Agency (MDOT SHA)  encourages all roadway users to follow the rules of the road to keep everyone safe, including vulnerable pedestrians. MDOT SHA is partnering with other agencies to promote and host events and webinars ​for Walktober to spotlight pedestrian safety, health and commuting options in current walk programs and Initiatives across the state.

On average, 100 pedestrians are killed each year in Maryland and most incidents are preventable. Even one lives lost is too many. To keep all roadway users safe especially vulnerable pedestrians, the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) and the Be Street Wise safety campaign offers the following tips:

  • Use sidewalks and marked crosswalks whenever possible.
  • Press the pedestrian signal button and wait for the walk signal.
  • Always stop at the curb and look left, right and left before crossing a street.
  • Watch for cars turning in or leaving driveways.
  • Wear light or bright colored clothing, especially if out walking after dusk.
  • Pay attention and take off headphones while walking – no texting or playing games.
  • Walk, don't run across the street.

  • Stay alert; park the phone.
  • Stop for pedestrians—Maryland law requires motorists to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks and intersections.
  • Follow all traffic signals; use caution when turning at intersections.
  • Stop at stop signs and for school buses.
  • Obey the speed limit. Speeding only makes it more difficult to stop unexpectedly.
  • Enter and exit driveways slowly looking for pedestrians behind your vehicle.
  • Allow 3 feet when passing bicyclists.
  • Show courtesy to other drivers, pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Don't drive aggressively.

Be Street Wise – Drive Safe. Walk Safe. Bike Safe.

As each new school year begins, MDOT SHA, Maryland counties, and our partners urge everyone to review the rules of the road to Be Street Wise. With approximately 880,000 students enrolled in Maryland elementary, middle and high schools, partners are working together to help protect the State’s youngest morning and afternoon commuters as more pedestrians, bicyclists, vehicles and school buses take to area roadways.

Be Street Wise Walk Safe Bike Safe Drive Safe

Pedestrian safety takes collaboration between motorists, pedestrians and government agencies in which everyone does their part.

For a list of completed pedestrian safety enhancements, click HERE.

Pedestrian Safety