Job Description
Executive Director

Art Spaces, Inc., an award-winning arts organization focused on public art and design of public places in Terre Haute, Indiana seeks an arts administrator with strong leadership experience and excellent communication and writing skills to serve as its executive director.

As designated by the Board of Directors of Art Spaces, Inc., the Executive Director shall:

  1. Manage the affairs and operations of Art Spaces in accordance with the policies and procedures adopted by the Board as well as the purposes set forth in the bylaws
  2. Manage day to day activities as they relate to the mission, vision and core values of the organization
  3. Oversee annual, monthly, weekly and daily financial tasks including: paying and recording bills; filing payroll taxes; paying business fees; filing annual taxes at the federal and state levels; prepare operating and project budgets
  4. Report to the Board as needed through the Chair and monthly at Board meetings
  5. Employ and supervise the employees of Art Spaces
  6. Preserve the minutes, records, and books of Art Spaces, the Board and all committees
  7. Preserve the records of all Art Spaces projects and programs
  8. Serve as a non-voting ex-officio member of all committees of the Board
  9. Research and advise as to the availability of grants, prepare grant applications and manage grants received
  10. Represent Art Spaces to the community and the press
  11. Plan, oversee and promote the programs of Art Spaces to serve all audiences
  12. When appropriate, serve on other community boards or committees
  13. Manage projects and programs in alignment with Art Spaces current 3-Year Strategic Plan including but not limited to:
  • Sculpture Site Selection, Funding, Procurement, Installation and Dedication
  • Oversight and maintenance coordination of the collection
  • Educational and Community Engagement Programs
  • Marketing and Promoting the organization, collection and programs
  • Regional arts advocacy

Active Projects 2022-23:  Memorial Removal and Re-Dedication with City; Dedication of Turn to the River Implementation Phase I; Design Development of Turn to the River Phase II; Identification of funding sources for future phases of Turn to the River; Art Chatter events; public talks; Lost Creek sculpture fundraising and artist search

To be considered, candidates should hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and have at least three years of leadership experience; ability to write and speak effectively for a wide range of purposes and audiences; ability to communicate with individuals and groups in all sectors of the community; strong financial management skills; interest in working in a non-profit, arts-focused, community-building setting; ability to work well with an all-volunteer Board of Directors; ability to supervise staff; and interest in multi-sector collaboration. ​ Preference will be given to candidates who have an M.A. or M.F.A., arts background, and a record of securing grants and fundraising success.

The position will remain open until filled. A first review of applications will occur in early April. Salary negotiable with education and administrative and leadership experience.

To apply, send a resume, cover letter, and contact info for three references (email addresses and phone numbers) to Please put “Executive Director Job” in the subject line.

It is the policy of Art Spaces to provide equal opportunities for employment and advancement for all individuals regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, or disability.