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Safe ORV and snowmobile riding

four wheeler and side by side driving in woods

Safe ORV and snowmobile riding

Ride Right

Ride home safe to your family and friends

Speed is the main contributing factor for off-road vehicle crashes and fatalities.

Important ORV and snowmobile safety tips:

Keep in mind that on some routes, private property owners generously allow trails to navigate through their properties. More than 400 miles of snowmobile trails have been lost due to noise or trespassing.

  • Operate within the limits of your snowmobile/ORV and your own abilities.
  • Ride at a safe speed.
  • Ride sober.
  • Ride on the right side of the trail; trails have two-way traffic.
  • Always wear a helmet.
  • Keep lights on while riding.
  • Ride with your group’s most inexperienced rider in mind.
  • Keep a safe distance from the rider in front of you and use caution in dust clouds.
  • Only transport a passenger if the machine is manufactured to carry a passenger. 
  • Come to a complete stop at all intersections. Raise off the seat and look both ways for traffic before proceeding.
  • Create a ride plan (times, route location and check-in points) and share it with others.
  • Stay on the trail and be prepared to adjust for changing environmental conditions.
  • Use designated stop areas if you need to stop on the trail and remove your helmet. Never stop side-by-side, in the middle, at the crest of a hill, on a corner or in an intersection.
  • Always yield to uphill motorized traffic. Uphill traffic may have difficulty starting again if stopped.
  • Share the trail. Some designated snowmobile trails are also open to ORVs and other (nonmotorized) users.
  • Nonmotorized trail users have the right-of-way. If you see nonmotorized trail users coming from the opposite direction, pull over and yield.
  • Snowmobilers should watch out for, and yield to, trail groomers and avoid modified exhausts.
Two side by sides operating on sand dunes

Riding Right at Silver Lake ORV area

Heading to Silver Lake ORV Area? Riding on sand dunes can be a unique and fun experience! Please be sure to keep these important safety tips in mind before you navigate this 450-acre scramble area that features terrain much different from our state’s traditional ORV trails and routes.

  • “Keep your head on a swivel” – make a concerted effort to scan and observe in all directions while on the dunes.
  • Always practice situational awareness – be aware of the potential hazards that could affect you and other riders.
  • Know what is beyond the crest of a hill before traveling up and over it.
  • Always operate within your abilities and your vehicle’s capabilities.
  • Keep your speed in check.
  • Keep your wheels on the ground.
  • If you plan to stop/park, choose spots where you are visible 360-degrees (avoid blind spots).
  • Don’t “show off” for friends and family members or spectators.
  • Stay inside your vehicle while in the ORV area.
  • Be aware of any dune-riding fatigue you may experience – most crashes and incidents on the dunes occur later in the day.
Learn more about Silver Lake ORV Area
During the 2022-23 snowmobile season, there were 204 reported crashes, including 19 fatalities, of which 63% involved drugs or alcohol.