Sheffield: The Outdoor City - Covid changes to outdoor use - Autumn 2020
In 2015 Sheffield launched 'The Outdoor City' strategy. A lot has changed since then, as a lot seems to change on a daily basis at the moment!

In May 2020 we designed a survey to help us to understand how local people use our natural and outdoor space, from local parks and green spaces to the Peak District, and what it means to you and your family. The survey asked people how their attitudes and behaviours to outdoor places and spaces had changed as a result of the Covid-19 restrictions / lockdown. We would like to follow up now by asking just a few short questions to understand whether any of these changes have continued. This survey data will be compared to the previous survey results to provide a picture of the impact of Covid on changing demands and practices for outdoor recreation in Sheffield. It will also be used to consider any implications for future planning e.g. developing any future strategy or agreeing Outdoor City actions. 

Your responses are confidential and will be anonymous, you do not need to give any personal data. All GDPR good practice will be followed.

If you have any questions regarding this survey, please get in touch with Maxine Gregory at Sheffield Hallam University