Starting school applications to close soon

The deadline for primary and infant school applications is midnight on Saturday, 15 January 2022


Released: 10 January 2022

Families with children due to start at primary or infant school this September are reminded to apply before the deadline this Saturday, 15 January 2022.

Parents/carers of children currently in Year 2 at infant school should also apply for a place at junior school by the same date.

Applications close at midnight on Saturday and it is really important they are submitted on time. Those who miss the deadline could have a greatly reduced chance of being offered one of their preferred schools and must still apply for a school place for September.

Children born between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018 will be eligible to start primary or infant school in September 2022.

The quickest and easiest way is to apply online through our website, where all of the information on how to apply can be found.

Free use of computers with internet access is available in all West Sussex libraries, people can turn up and use them without booking. The library service also offers digital support which includes help with filling in online forms, on 0330 222 3455.

Those unable to apply online or in a library should call the admissions team on 03330 142903.

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