How 3D-Printed Teeth and Other New Tech are Transforming Dental Care
Doctors can now do far more in a single surgical procedure. "We're able to combine numerous surgical procedures that were once split up over years of treatment."
Success Leaves Footprints
DHA Observes Black History Month
Is Your DEERS Information Up to Date?
If it’s been a while, take time to log in to DEERS and review your information.
Here's some news around the MHS you might have missed:
Are you not feeling well? Feverish? Starting to cough? It's hard to know what it is. Is it COVID-19? The seasonal flu? Or is it respiratory syncytial virus, also known as RSV? All three have similar symptoms.
Sports, recreation and physical training are key to service members' health -- physical, mental, and spiritual. But those activities can also lead to one of the military's single biggest health problem: musculoskeletal Injuries.
A New Way to Meet with Your Military Health Care Team
You and your family can conveniently get care in a new and easy way. All active duty service members, retirees, and families enrolled in a military hospital or clinic can now use MHS Video Connect - the Military Health System's web-based telehealth solution to access care.