RAVE to the citrus fruit available this time of year. The oranges, tangerines and Minneolas have been so delicious. Rave to these beautiful orange orbs for bringing the taste of warmth and sunshine to these cold and cloudy days.

RANT to drivers on I-5 going way, way over the speed limit, cutting in and out of lanes and squeezing abruptly between cars in an effort to avoid slowing down. This is so dangerous and an accident waiting to happen!

RAVE to the incredible murals throughout the Seattle area. I marvel at the talent it takes to imagine and execute a painting at this scale. It is sad to see when a mural or sculpture has been tagged or damaged with graffiti. It’s hard to understand such disrespect.

RANT to homeowners who park RVs, boats, mobile homes and old cars that forever sit in their yards or on the street. And rant to homeowners who turn their single-family homes into apartment homes to generate additional income. My neighborhood has changed, and my home value has depreciated. 

RAVE to the young employee working in the Fred Meyer produce department. I asked them where something was. They smiled and told me. When I thanked them, they said, “You’re welcome.” The best way to acknowledge a thank you.

RANT to drivers who wait to signal their intention to turn left until the light turns green. It’s infuriating to those in line behind them.


RAVE to the City of Shoreline for repairing the sidewalks on Fifth Avenue Northeast. Now I can safely walk to the library.

RANT to the thieves who thought it was funny to steal flower bouquets from a grocery store. Rant to the parent company that does not provide security during opening hours. To the young thieves, I hope your families are proud of you knowing that you took these flowers without paying.

RAVE to the “Valentine’s Fairy” in our Wallingford neighborhood who set out countless colorful heart and love yard signs for several blocks in many directions! The enthusiasm, cheer and positive energy made the days that week much brighter and your kindness is very much appreciated! Thanks for spreading JOY!

RANT to those who complain about the city, county and state government for our trash-filled streets and highways. We the people drop that trash. We think “momma” will pick up after us. Stop contributing to the mess. Adopt-a-Spot and Neighborhood Litter Patrol will provide supplies for those willing to help clean up after others, to make our streets and highways less disgusting. 

RAVE to the thoughtful person who places fresh flowers in the women’s restrooms at the Edmonds-Kingston ferry crossing. Rave to the crews that patiently offer extra help to those with mobility impairments. Rave to the fascinating historical photos and Indigenous art in the cabins, the jigsaw puzzles on most tables and the reopened galley kitchens. It’s delightful to re-experience amenities I took for granted before pandemic restrictions kept ferry riders sequestered in their cars for so many long, dreary months.