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Subject:  ESSER III Spending Plan


Staff Contact:  Leigh Burden, assistant superintendent, Department of Financial Services


Other Staff Present:     Marty Smith, chief operating officer

   Alice Wigington, director, Office of Budget Services


Meeting Category:  July 15, 2021 Regular Meeting


School Board Action Required:  Action


Ignite Link: Goal 4 - Resource Stewardship


Summary/Background (Key Points):

The FCPS Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) funding allocation is $188.6 million for expenses related to the pandemic to be spent over multiple years.


The grant is intended to be used to safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impact of COVID on students by addressing their academic, social, emotional, & mental health needs.


The ESSER III grant application required that FCPS seek public input and take that input into account when developing the spending plan. FCPS sought public input via:  Targeted focus groups conducted on May 25, May 27 and June 10, 2021, a public hearing held on June 7, 2021, and an online feedback form available through June 11, 2021.


On July 13, 2021, the recommended ESSER III funding plan was presented at a School Board work session.



That the Board approve the ESSER III Funding Plan.


I move to strike the existing language of the main motion and amend it with the following; I move that the School Board authorize the Superintendent to develop and submit a formal plan to the State in order to fully access all Federal ESSER III Grant Funds. The Superintendent will present to the Board an advance copy of this official plan prior to the August 26th Business Meeting, and its submission to the State on September 1. Only time-sensitive ESSER III expenditures should occur prior to the Board’s August formal approval. At a future September 2021 work session, the Superintendent will present more detailed information on the ESSER III plan including its targeted goals, operational timelines, and accountability metrics. The Superintendent will work with the Board to ensure these ESSER III funds are utilized to improve student academic outcomes and socio-emotional learning. The Division Superintendent is granted authority to make minor changes or technical modifications to the ESSER 3 plan, but must provide timely written notification to the School Board. All State-filed amendments to the plan that reach or exceed $100K must be authorized by the School Board. (McLaughlin/Corbett Sanders)



Revised ESSER III Funding Recommendation