📆 The Week Ahead: Emergency Management
Today is Monday, August 1, and we are raising awareness of emergency management as parts of Kentucky have been overcome by floodwaters.
August 1-7 is World Breastfeeding Week. Additionally, August is known for Back to School preparation.
View our Stats for Stories page for more upcoming observances.
Last week, powerful floodwaters swallowed towns that hug creeks and streams in Appalachian valleys and hollows. The floods swamped homes and businesses, trashed vehicles, and crunched runaway equipment and debris against bridges. Search and rescue teams backed by the National Guard are searching for people missing in record floods that wiped out entire communities.
The U.S. Census Bureau produces timely local data that are critical to emergency planning, preparedness, and recovery efforts.
You May Be Interested In
The U.S. Census Bureau, on July 28, released a report on how economic surveys captured the initial shock and resulting impact of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as economic trends since the national emergency was declared.
The Coronavirus Pandemic’s Economic Impact brief uses data from the Quarterly Services Survey, Advance Monthly Retail Trade Survey, Monthly Wholesale Trade Survey, and Manufacturers’ Shipments, Inventories, and Orders Survey to gauge the pandemic’s impact on key economic sectors.
The U.S. Census Bureau, on July 27, released a new report, Occupations, Earnings, and Job Characteristics, that highlights the features of U.S. workers and their employment conditions.
The report uses data from the 2018 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) and the 2018 American Community Survey (ACS) one-year estimates to describe workers’ occupations, schedule arrangements, median earnings and earnings arrangements, and coverage through employer-provided health insurance. The sample consists of the civilian, noninstitutionalized population age 16 or older working in at least one job.
🎂 Happy Birthday, Colorado!
Today, we are celebrating Colorado's 146th anniversary of statehood.
Did You Know?
- Colorado joined the Union on August 1, 1876, as the 38th state.
Colorado's population increased by 744,518 from 2010-2020.
- The state nickname is the Centennial State.