Project Grow Garden Tour 2023 Signup Sheet

Project Grow invites you to tour and learn about all of our Project Grow sites in the 2023 Project Grow Garden Tour. Tours are scheduled on every other Saturday morning from 9a - 11a. Participants will drive to each site in the day's tour to learn about the history of the organization, key facts about that specific site's gardens and gardeners, and get a chance to meet site coordinators and gardeners.

Attendance is free of charge.  Addresses and approximate engagement times for each site and other detailed information will be sent by email the week of the selected tour.  Please email any questions about the tour to

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First and Last Name *
E-mail address (event reminders are sent by email a few days before your selected tours) *
Please check all dates/locations you are attending: *
Do you have any walking and/or accessibility challenges? *
Would you be interested in volunteering with Project Grow? *
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