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About Find a Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Medical Provider
The Find a Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Medical Provider locator tool allows users to search for Ryan White HIV/AIDS medical providers. Users may search for providers by allowing the tool to detect their location automatically or by entering search criteria such as an address or place name.
The information used to populate the Find a Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Medical Provider locator tool originates from the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services Report (RSR) Provider Report. RSR data are submitted annually and capture information on RWHAP funded recipients, subrecipients and clients receiving services in the previous calendar year. The provider locator tool displays service delivery site locations for RWHAP funded recipients and subrecipient that directly provided outpatient ambulatory health services to RWHAP clients in the previous calendar year. Any updates that are made to the RSR Provider Report during the reporting season will be reflected in the provider locator tool.
Note To HRSA Health Centers
HRSA Health Center Grantees and Look-Alikes, please note:
- The Health Center information represented on this website IS NOT representative of a Health Center’s complete Scope of Project.
- If a Health Center identifies errors in the contact information of a Service Delivery Site, please follow the following instructions to fix the error:
Grantees: Registered users with access to the EHBs Grant Handbook can update the service delivery site information in the EHBs.
- Log in to the EHBs ( and click the “View Portfolio” link in the left menu.
- The list of grants you have added to your portfolio will be displayed. Click the “Open Grant Handbook” link for the Health Center program grant. (Grant number starting with H80)
- The Grant Handbook overview page will open. Click the “Sites” link in the left menu.
- The list of Sites in Scope will appear listed. Locate the site for which you want to update the information and click “Update”.
- The Update Site page will open. Make the necessary changes by selecting the “Update” button in the appropriate section.
- Once you have made all changes, click “Save and Continue” to save your changes.
For more information about adding a grant to your portfolio, please visit
- Log in to the EHBs (
- Click on the FQHC-LALs tab.
- Click on the “View Portfolio” link in the FQHC-LAL Home drop-down menu.
- Click on the “Open Designation Handbook” link.
- Click on the “Update Sites Information” link.
- The list of sites in scope will appear listed. Locate the site for which you want to update the information and click “Update.”
- The Form-5B Edit page will open. Make the necessary changes by selecting the “Update” button in the appropriate section.
- Once you have made all changes, click “Save and Continue” to save your changes.
Find a Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Medical Provider
The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) funds direct health care services including medical care, treatment and some supportive services for people living with HIV (PLWH) through grants to states, cities, and community health organizations (clinics, university or hospital clinics, etc.) The RWHAP provides services to low-income uninsured or underinsured PLWH to ensure they are linked to and retained in medical care and started on antiretroviral medications as early as possible. RWHAP funded medical care providers can refer you to dental care and other support services as well as provide access to HIV medications. For help getting care from the RWHAP, type in your address and click ‘Search’.
NOTE: The data used for this tool is current as of in the HRSA Data Warehouse.
HELP: If you experience technical issues with this tool, contact: 877-464-4772, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, weekdays (except federal holidays), or visit the HRSA Contact Center website."