5 Health Care Checkups for Your Child Before School Starts
As you begin to shop for new notebooks, pencils, binders, and clothes, don’t forget your child’s school-related health checklist. Now is the time to schedule appointments and beat the rush.
Be Prepared with Back-to-School Immunizations
Air Force Lt. Gen. Robert Miller, surgeon general of the Air Force and a pediatrician, encourages parents to get their kids immunized before heading back to school in the fall.
Tips for Military Parents Planning PCS Moves with Children
There are things that service members can do to prepare for a permanent change of station move that can make for a smoother transition for the children.
Here's some news around the MHS you might have missed:
Are you nutritionally fit to fight? Here are a few fun facts about healthy eating habits.
Every year, thousands of service members are diagnosed with at least one sexually transmitted infection. Topping the list of the most common are chlamydia, gonorrhea, and genital herpes, military health data shows.
Your child’s TRICARE coverage will stay with them in college if enrolled full-time and meeting eligibility requirements.
A New Way to Meet with Your Military Health Care Team
You and your family can conveniently get care in a new and easy way. All active duty service members, retirees, and families enrolled in a military hospital or clinic can now use MHS Video Connect - the Military Health System's web-based telehealth solution to access care.