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Request for Grant Proposals

Nutrition Security for Indigenous Youth

Indigenous Youth RFP - Girl holding a peach

About Newman's Own Foundation

Newman’s Own Foundation is a private foundation formed by Paul Newman to sustain the legacy of his philanthropic work. Funded entirely through the profits and royalties of Newman’s Own products, the Foundation does not maintain an endowment, raise funds, or accept donations. The Foundation believes that each of us, through the power of philanthropy, has the potential to make a difference. Since 1982, when Paul Newman first declared, “Let’s give it all away,” more than $575 million has been donated to thousands of nonprofit organizations helping people in need around the world.

This Request for Grant Proposals (RFP) was developed in collaboration with Tahoma Peak Solutions, a Native woman-owned firm focused on empowering and building up communities in Indian Country.

About Our Strategy in Indian Country

Since 2003, we have committed nearly $4,000,000 to more than 20 organizations working to make nutritious, affordable, and culturally relevant food more accessible in Indian Country. In 2018, we made a deeper and more intentional commitment by launching a Native American Nutrition Cohort, a co-created, grantee-led, peer-to-peer learning model comprising nine organizations working across 12 tribal communities. In 2022, we aim to focus our support on nutrition security for Indigenous youth in Indian Country with a commitment of up to $1,200,000 through this Request for Grant Proposals.

Eligibility and Grant Amounts

UPDATE: Please note, the application period is now closed.

We will award grants to 501(c)(3) organizations serving Native populations, tribal governments, educational institutions, and Native-owned social innovation businesses. Certain non-qualifying educational institutions and Native-owned social innovation organizations are eligible to apply with a 501(c)(3) organization as a fiscal sponsor.

Groups, projects, and initiatives applying through fiscal sponsors are only allowed to apply to Newman’s Own Foundation for program grants described herein. Groups, projects, and initiatives seeking funding through fiscal sponsors shall provide Newman’s Own Foundation with a copy of a written fiscal sponsorship agreement in advance of submitting an application to the Foundation.

Grant awards will range from $20,000 to $50,000; Larger grants may be considered.

Project Goals and Scope

We will support applicant organizations that build on the strengths of Native communities to enhance nutrition security for Native youth. To accomplish this, we are seeking organizations that are focused on improving nutrition security for indigenous youth.

Examples of projects include but are not limited to:

  • Coalition building and goal setting
  • Advocacy, education, and relationship building with key stakeholders and policy makers
  • Gardens at youth centers and schools
  • Youth culture camps focusing on traditional foods and/or gardening
  • Educational sessions on traditional food cultures, harvesting, processing, and foodways
  • Internship programs that develop Native youth leadership
  • Support for Native youth attendance at relevant conferences or convenings
  • Development of related programming at meetings or conferences
  • Films, storytelling, and art related to Native youth and food

Activities not considered for this grant opportunity include:

  • Lobbying and/or any political activity
  • Programs that are not in service to nutrition security for Native youth

Anticipated Selection Schedule

  • July 25: Application opens.
  • August 4: Conducted live Q&A Info Session. View recorded session here.
  • August 26: Deadline to submit eligibility quiz.
  • September 15: Application deadline.
  • September 15–October 15: Review and decision-making.
  • Grantees will be notified of their award no later than November and will receive awards soon after.

How to Apply

UPDATE: Please note, the application period is now closed.

You can apply electronically, beginning with an eligibility quiz (deadline August 26, 5:00 pm ET), which asks the following questions:

  • Are you a registered 501(c)(3) public charitable organization or do you have a fiscal sponsor?
  • Does your organization support work that is focused on creating sustainable change in nutrition security for Indigenous youth up to 18 years of age?

Evaluation Criteria

Projects will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Leadership and strength of the team
  • Cultural competency, including networks within Indian Country
  • Likelihood of success and sustainability of project
  • Social innovation related to Native youth
  • Information sharing and replicability across Indian Country

Frequently Asked Questions

If your organization is not a 501(c)(3), but it has a fiscal sponsor, you are eligible to apply.

There is no limit if your organization is a 501(c)(3). If you use a fiscal sponsor, the limit is 15%.

The deadline is August 26, 5:00 pm ET, to take the eligibility quiz to determine your organization’s eligibility and receive further instructions on how to apply.

Click this link to see the questions you will need to answer: Indigenous Youth Nutrition Security – Proposal Questions. Note that you will receive a link to fill out your proposal once you have successfully completed the eligibility quiz (deadline August 15).

This grant opportunity is only one round of funding, but we do not have a “spend by” date for the funding once awarded.

No. No matching funds are required.

Yes, this is a one-time grant. We may provide future grants in this space.

Yes, funding can be applied to salary and wages to run programming related to Indigenous Youth Nutrition Security.

Our preference is for programs aimed at ages 18 and under, but compelling work related to young adults ages 18-25 will be considered.