News from the Care Quality Commission: August 2022

care quality commission

The independent regulator of health and social care in England


Our monthly update for everyone interested in health and social care


Join us! Work for CQC

CQC staff have a wide range of skills and work across many disciplines.

Find out about roles within CQC, Healthwatch England and the Office of the National Guardian.

Current vacancies include:

  • Applications Development Manager
  • Paralegals
  • Software Tester
  • Senior QA Engineer
  • Application Support Analyst

Benefits include generous leave entitlement, NHS or Nest pension schemes and a wide range of employee discounts.

Most roles offer flexible locations with the choice to be home-based. See the individual job listings for more information.



Read our blog posts on how CQC is changing

We have been publishing a series of blog posts talking about our role in the changing world of health and social care and how we have been implementing our new strategy.

Recent blog posts include:

  • Mark Sutton, our Chief Digital Officer, gives an update on all things technology, data and insight
  • Joyce Frederick, our Director of Policy and Strategy, talks about the development of our new regulatory model
  • Chris Day, our Director of Engagement, on putting people at the centre of system regulation

Follow us on Medium or on @CQCprof, our Twitter account for professionals, to find out about new blog posts as they are published.


Share your views

Help shape our work

Our CitizenLab service helps you shape the work that we do.

CitizenLab gives you an easy way to get involved with our work and share your ideas and opinions. We use it to bring together groups of people, collect your views, conduct surveys and run quick polls.

What you tell us helps us understand the things that are important to you. We can use what we learn to make our services and information better for everyone.

The things we're working on change all the time. At the moment, you can feedback on the following:

Publishing findings from our new assessments

We’re making changes to the reports we publish about services. These changes are part of the work we’re doing to help people make decisions about their care.

To help us make sure the changes are clear, we'd like to hear from:

  • people who use local services
  • people working with local Healthwatch groups
  • people working for voluntary groups and/or charities 

If you meet these criteria, sign in to CitizenLab where you can see a preview of what our reports may look like in the future. You will then be able to give your feedback through a short survey. 

Your feedback will help us understand what impact the changes will have on how you use our website. It will also help us understand what kinds of information about services are important to you.

If you'd like to find out more about this project or other work taking place on CitizenLab, sign up using the links below. When you join, you'll be sent an email when new information or projects are added. You can also sign in to see what activities are currently live and ready for you to take part in.


The CQC website on a mobile phone

Help improve our website

We recently relaunched our website to make it easier to use, especially for people using mobile phones, tablets, or assistive technologies – but we're still looking to make further improvements.

If you are a member of the public who has looked at home care services on our website, we would like to speak to you.

You can help us improve our website by taking part in a one-to-one research session on Microsoft Teams.

During the session we will show you mock-up designs of what our website could look like in the future. You don't need to do any preparation before the call.


Ofsted and CQC

Have your say on how we inspect provision for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities

You still have time to take part in Ofsted and CQC's consultation on new proposals for the way we will inspect provision for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) within a local area.

Inspectors already check how well local area partnerships meet the needs of children and young people with SEND. The new proposals will mean inspectors will also look more closely at the impact on their lives and outcomes.

Inspection teams will include inspectors from education, health and care so that there can be a deeper understanding of how well different parts of the system work together in a specific area.

The consultation runs until 11 September, and the new inspections will be introduced in early 2023.


Inpatient survey

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