Register to Speak at Regular School Board Meetings
Community Participation Online Registration for Regular Business Meetings
Community Participation Online Registration for Regular Business Meetings
The Fairfax County School Board welcomes all community members to speak before the Board at a regular meeting. During the sign-up process, community members will acknowledge that they were informed of the School Board’s expectations for proper decorum when providing comments. These expectations can also be viewed here or with the printed agenda and meeting materials in the back of the auditorium.
Fairfax County and city residents, FCPS staff, FCPS students, FCPS guardians who are non-Fairfax County residents, and FCPS business partners are eligible to address the Board at regular school board meetings.
At the time of registration, speakers must identify whether they wish to testify in-person, virtually, or submit a prerecorded video testimony. Upon request at the time of registration, Translation Services will be provided for speakers for whom English is not their preferred language and who will give testimony in a language other than English. Speakers registered to submit a video testimony are encouraged to include a link to their video on their registration form. Once an option is selected, this choice cannot be changed. Registration will close 48 hours before the meeting.
There will be a total of 16 speaker slots per regular meeting:
After the first 13 in-person or virtual speakers are determined through a random/lottery process, the next 10 names as determined by the same random/lottery will be chosen as the waitlist and notified that they are on the waitlist to speak. Waitlist speakers may only speak live in-person or using live virtual video, which they select at the time of registration.
After speaking during the community participation portion of the regular meeting, whether giving in-person testimony, live virtual testimony, or through prerecorded video testimony, speakers may not register to speak at the next two regular meetings so that others may have an opportunity to participate. Those listed on the waitlist who were not selected to speak will be allowed to sign up to speak at the next regular meeting.
Online - An individual may sign up online (scroll up on this webpage for the link) beginning at 8 a.m. starting on the fourth business day before the next regular business meeting.
By phone - To register by phone, call the School Board office at 571-423-1075 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
The Board schedules public hearings on specific topics at various times during the year. An additional public hearing will be scheduled each fall and spring, either as part of the regular Board meetings or as separate meetings. Additional hearings may be scheduled by the Board, as needed. Speakers may not address issues scheduled for other public hearings (Budget, Capital Improvement Program, Boundary). The number of speakers at these additional public hearings may be limited at the discretion of the Chair. Individuals may speak in-person or virtually at a public hearing but prerecorded video testimony is not permitted.
Upon request at the time of registration, Translation Services will be provided for speakers for whom English is not their preferred language and who will give testimony in a language other than English.
Online - An individual may sign up online beginning at 8 a.m. at least 10 business days prior to the public hearing. The list will close at 6:00 p.m. on the business day immediately preceding the day of the hearing for weekday hearings, or at 6:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding a Saturday public hearing.
By phone - Call the School Board office at 571-423-1075 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
In Person - Five public hearing speaker slots are reserved for individuals, who have not registered in advance, to address the Board after registered speakers. Unregistered individuals may also use "no show" speaker slots to address the Board.
Submission of prerecorded video testimony is intended to provide original statements to the School Board. Videos are limited to two (2) minutes in length and must be original content produced by the submitter. Fairfax County and City residents, FCPS employees, and non-Fairfax County business partners may submit video, online, for presentation at a regular School Board meeting. The School Board chairman will make the final determination as to which videos may be presented during community participation.
Valid working links to their video testimony must be submitted at least 36 hours prior to the Board meeting. Once a video is submitted, substitutions of videos are not allowed. FCC regulations govern all television broadcast material and prohibit obscene, indecent or profane audio or visual content. Videos not meeting this standard will be rejected.
Each speaker shall limit his or her remarks to two minutes.
Upon request at the time of registration, Translation Services will be provided for speakers for whom English is not their preferred language and who will give testimony in a language other than English.
While written testimony is not required, providing written comments allows the Board and staff the advantage of further review of your comments. You may email your remarks to:
Speaker substitutions are not permitted. A speaker may not yield their time to another individual before or during their remarks.
The Fairfax County School Board welcomes all community members to speak before the Board at a regular meeting. During the sign-up process, community members will acknowledge that they were informed of the School Board’s expectations for proper decorum when providing comments. Read the School Board's expectations for community participation.