Help shape our work
Our CitizenLab service helps you shape the work that we do.
CitizenLab gives you an easy way to get involved with our work and share your ideas and opinions. We use it to bring together groups of people, collect your views, conduct surveys and run quick polls.
What you tell us helps us understand the things that are important to you. We can use what we learn to make our services and information better for everyone.
The things we're working on change all the time. At the moment, you can feed back on the following:
Young Champions
The CQC Young Champions had their first face to face meeting in February. A Young Champion has written a blog about the day, their experience of meeting the group and what it's like working on a CQC project.
Read the full blog on CitizenLab and share your ideas about what the group should be tackling around children and young people’s care.
User research opportunities
We are updating the way we present our assessments of services and need your help with new designs for our website.
See CitizenLab to find out more about a paid opportunity to take part in user research with us.
If you'd like to find out more about these projects or other work taking place on CitizenLab, sign up using the links below. When you join, you'll be sent an email when new information or projects are added. You can also sign in to see what activities are currently live and ready for you to take part in.