The Michigan Opportunity

S2 Ep.42 - Brad Garmon, Michigan Outdoor Recreation Industry Office

Michigan Economic Development Corporation Season 2 Episode 42
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00:00 | 26:26

What in Michigan generates $26 billion in consumer spending, $7.5 billion in wages & salaries and 232,000 direct jobs? The Michigan Outdoor Recreation Industry, that’s what.

Join our guest Brad Garmon, Senior Strategic Advisor & Executive Advisor for the Michigan Outdoor Recreation Industry Office (The Office) as he and Ed discuss the economic impact of the outdoor recreation industry. Working alongside colleagues at the MEDC, a priority of the Office is to help grow Michigan’s outdoor recreation companies, elevate Michigan as an outdoor lifestyle destination for talent, and attract outdoor industry companies to the state. Also a priority is the recruitment of talent into state’s outdoor industry by supporting diversity, inclusion, innovation and community engagement plus enhance the outdoor entrepreneur pipeline to support outdoor startups and small, innovative companies and products. You can also read the transcript from our conversation.