CANFIELD, Ohio (WKBN) — This year, the Go Baby Go event took place at the Mahoning County Career and Technical Center on Saturday.

For eight years, the Go Baby Go program has provided custom-modified ride-on cars for young children with disabilities, giving them the chance to enjoy standard kid activities.

So far, the program has completed 134 custom toy cars for local kids.

“The ability to do things that other typical kiddos get to do, so she actually gets to experience the same things,” said Heather Lucik, a parent.

Go Baby Go is made possible by the Magic of Michael Foundation, which donates vehicles each year.

“Some of these kids are in strollers, their parents hold them all the time — they don’t have the mobility to get around. For them to be totally on their own and the parents control the car, seeing the smiles — means a lot to us and the parents,” said Denise Hirschbeck with the Magic of Michael Foundation.

One family at the event received a modified car for their son Ethan, who spent over a year in the NICU after he was born.

Ethan — and his family — loves his new orange ride.

“For [Ethan] to get things that are specialized for him, that he gets so excited about — it truly just makes our hearts so warm, and we are so grateful for this opportunity. He’s going to love it, he’s going to have so much fun this summer,” said Alicia Orr, who brought Ethan.

Personal modifications are made to the vehicles during the workshop so that each child’s needs are met.

The community’s effort makes the event possible. Students and teachers at MCCTC played important roles.

“It’s crazy, it’s amazing that they do this for families and kids that need this type of stuff,” Orr said.