Using Charts in
A highly requested addition to is here! In this video we explore our newest feature to transform data tables into bar, column, and line charts. Learn how to create compelling visualizations directly on our data search platform. Perfect for anyone working with Census data who wants to enhance their visualizations. Resources Page: More video tutorials: #explorecensusdata
We love our data! We have a team of experts excited to share their favorite tips and tricks about how to access and use Census Bureau Data. So, we created Data Gems: a series of "how-to" videos available for data users who are looking for an easy and quick way to enhance their knowledge of Census Burau data. They will introduce you to various concepts and techniques to improve your ability to navigate our website and use our data-access tools such as, census business builder, OnTheMap, My Community Explorere, Geocoder, and more! . Learn more at: #CensusAcademy #CensusBureau
The AIES is a re-engineered survey designed to integrate and replace seven existing annual business surveys into a streamlined, single-survey instrument. It is built to be easier for businesses to complete, reduce respondent burden, result in better and more timely data, and allow the Census Bureau to operate more efficiently. The AIES will provide key yearly measures of economic activity, including the only comprehensive national and subnational data on business revenues, expenses, and assets on an annual basis. 
See how communities across the country use Census Bureau statistics and federal data every day to address local challenges, improve business and address health concerns.

Stats in Action: NerdWallet

5.8K views9 years ago

Stats in Action: Zillow

6.3K views9 years ago

Stats in Action: KaBOOM!

10K views10 years ago

Stats In Action: Park East High School

3.9K views11 years ago
Educate your students about the value and everyday use of statistics. The Statistics in Schools program provides resources for teaching and learning with real life data. Explore the site for standards-aligned, classroom-ready activities. Learn more at #statisticsinschools
Census Open Innovation Labs (COIL) is an office at the U.S. Census Bureau with a portfolio of award-winning projects that continue to raise the bar for open innovation across government. COIL’s mission is to source knowledge and solutions to solve key challenges for the Census Bureau and the public at large through human-centered design, data, creative media, and technology.