The Best of Census Academy: 2021

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The Best of Census Academy: 2021

With the release of 2020 Census data, it has been a busy year for Census Academy! You inspire us because we know that our efforts help you do your important work and make data-driven decisions.

As we end the year, we invite you to reminisce with us on some of our most popular content of 2021.

We have robust plans for new Data Gems, courses, and webinars in 2022 and look forward to helping you find the Census Bureau data that matters to you with ease.

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Most Popular Topic: 2020 Census Data

2020 Census Resources

Take a look at the many Census Academy resources to help you explore 2020 Census data, including Data Gems, courses, and webinars.

2020 Census Resources

Top Webinars

Webinars are a great way for new learners to discover Census Bureau data and for experienced data users to stay up to date on new data releases and data tools. Several topics captured your interest this year!

Most Popular Data Gems

How Can I Compare 2020 Census and 2010 Census Redistricting Data?

Email us at to share your ideas for new Data Gems!

Most Popular Courses

For more in-depth learning, courses are the way to go. Stay tuned for new courses coming in 2022. 

Top Social Media Posts

Instagram: July 28, 2021; DATA GEM: How to Visualize Your Data on

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About Census Academy

Let us show you how to find and use Census Bureau data for your everyday uses, including informing your business plan, supporting grant proposals and research projects, developing apps, urban development planning and services, and much more! Whether you’re looking for economic or demographic data, we can teach you how to get what you need for your various projects.

To request free workshops and trainings for your organization, send us an e-mail at