Bandon Library

Bandon Library

My Open Library

Bandon library is now a My Open Library.

If you would like further information or to arrange an induction, please contact Bandon library or email sends email).

Opening Hours

Tuesday to Saturday: 9.30am - 5.30pm.

Closed Mondays.

Closed Saturday of Bank Holiday Weekends.

Please check in with your local library for updated opening hours and services available. 


Services Offered

Newspapers and Magazines

The Irish Examiner, Irish Times, Irish Independent, and the Hello magazine are provided for free to be read in the library.


Free Wi-Fi is available to library members. Borrowers are welcome to use their own laptops, tablets etc. in our branches. All you need is your library card number and 4-digit PIN to log on. Remember to bring your library card with you, to reset your pin at the desk if required.

Study Spaces

The Library provides a number of study spaces, most with power supply access.  

Public Computers

To use a public computer is free, all you need is your library card number and 4-digit PIN. Remember to bring your library card with you to use the computer. 

To be guaranteed a free PC when you arrive at the library, you can always book ahead. PCs may be booked in person or by phone. All you need is your library card number and PIN. Sessions last up to 55 minutes. 

If you have not booked a computer and there is one free, you are welcome to use it.

Remote Printing

You can now print remotely to the printer in Bandon library. You can print from your tablet or smartphone, from your home computer or laptop or send documents directly via email. Then collect your prints from a staff member at the library by the close of business the following day. Exception: Any print job sent on a Saturday will need to be collected that day.

A4 black and white is 15 cent a page. 
A4 colour is 60 cent a page.
*Correct change is also required when collecting your print job.

1.) By email 

Attach your document to a blank e-mail and ensure you include a subject heading before forwarding to one of the e-mail addresses provided.

2.) From your browser

Visit PrinterOn(link is external) and upload your print job and send directly to the printer!

3.) From Tablet or Smartphone (Android/Apple/Blackberry)

  1. Download the PrinterOn App from Google Play Store(link is external) or iTunes App Store(link is external).
  2. Open the App and select what it is you wish to print.
  3. Ensure your Location services are enabled or use the QR code in order to locate the library printers.

*Please note it can take up to 20 minutes before your document is ready to be released from the printer and you have until the close of business the following day to collect your print job.
** Please ensure you have the correct e-mail address from which you sent the document from as this is required when collecting your print job.
***Exception: Any print job sent on a Saturday will need to be collected that day.

Remote Printing Brochure Bandon Library (pdf)

How to print a boarding pass (link is external)

How to print from Google Drive (pdf)


Photocopying is available in Black and White and Colour.

  • A4 Black and White – 0.15 cent per page.
  • A3 Black and White – 0.20 cent per page.
  • A4 Colour – 0.60 cent per page.


Tot-time is held on Friday mornings at 10:30am between September and May (excluding mid-terms) – nursery rhymes and songs for pre-school children.

Reading Support Programme for parents of children with dyslexia and other reading difficulties

Adult Reader's Group - meets on the first Wednesday of every month

Writer's Group - meets bi-monthly on Wednesday mornings at 10.30am

Gramophone Recital - this is held once a month on Thursday mornings. Please contact the library for details

Various activities are held throughout the year including involvement in local festivals, Library Ireland Week, Seachtain Na Gaeilge, Bealtaine, Summer Arts Programme and Children's Book Festival.