NOAA launched an agency-wide effort to gather initial public input on Section 216(c) of the Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad. This section directs NOAA to collect recommendations on how to make fisheries, including aquaculture, and protected resources more resilient to climate change. This includes changes in management and conservation measures and improvements in science, monitoring, and cooperative research. NOAA Fisheries reviewed, compiled and synthesized input following a public comment period ending on April 2, 2021.
The input will inform NOAA’s implementation of our relevant authorities and our work with federal agencies, state and tribal governments, and relevant stakeholders and constituents to ensure more resilient fisheries and protected resources due to climate change.
Research has shown that fisheries, protected resources, and their habitats and ecosystems are being affected by climate change. Climate-related changes in ocean ecosystems such as warming oceans, increasing acidification, and rising seas can affect the distribution and abundance of marine species. These changes also impact the people and communities that depend on them. At NOAA, we work with partners to understand and respond to changing climate and ocean conditions to help minimize impacts, adapt to changes, and ensure that future generations can enjoy the benefits of healthy marine ecosystems.
Beyond the 30-day public comment period, we will continue to gather input throughout 2021 through meetings, public listening sessions, and other means. Information gathered after the initial deadline for comments will still be collected and considered.
Synthesis of Public Comments
We received input from a variety of organizations and sectors including environmental groups, fishing sectors (commercial, recreational, and aquaculture), state and tribal wildlife agencies, and academic and scientific entities. Comments primarily focused on science and management recommendations for fisheries and protected resources.
NOAA Fisheries led a rigorous analysis of the comments received. All responses were analyzed using a qualitative data analysis process that highlighted the range of input received, and organized the comments by major themes. The results were highlighted in a report that synthesizes public input.
Stakeholder Comments
These are the comments we received on the three national stakeholder calls hosted by the agency.
March 23, 2021
- Audio Recording
- Transcript (PDF, 39 pages)
March 25, 2021
- Audio Recording
- Transcript (PDF, 29 pages)
April 1, 2021
- Audio Recording
- Transcript (PDF, 67 pages)
Public Comments
These are the public comments we received on Section 216(c) of the Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad:
- Part 1 (PDF, 130 pages)
- Part 2 (PDF, 172 pages)
- Part 3 (PDF, 843 pages)
- Part 4 (PDF, 266 pages)
- Part 5 (PDF, 80 pages)