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National Seafood Month: October 2023

Press Release Number: CB23-SFS.146

From NOAA Fisheries, an office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration within the Department of Commerce: “Celebrate National Seafood Month. The United States is recognized as a global leader in sustainable seafood for both wild-caught and farmed species. Join us for National Seafood Month 2022 and savor delicious seafood along the way.

“As we welcome autumn, we also celebrate National Seafood Month. The United States is recognized as a global leader in sustainable seafood for both wild-caught and farmed species. U.S. fishermen and fish farmers operate under some of the most robust and transparent environmental standards in the world. NOAA Fisheries works to advance and export sustainable management practices internationally. We establish and maintain a level playing field for our fishermen and fish farmers, and maintain confidence in U.S. seafood products and access to the global marketplace.

“Aquaculture plays a key role in sustainable seafood as well. Developing a domestic aquaculture industry is critical for the economic and environmental resiliency of our coastal communities and supply of sustainable seafood.

“Sustainable seafood relies on strong science, responsive management, and enforced compliance. NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement enforces best stewardship practices over our ocean fisheries. (It) work(s) with domestic and international partners to ensure a level playing field for those playing by the rules, combating IUU fishing and expanding compliance with ocean stewardship laws.” 

Key Stats

Note: The table image above is cropped to hide several columns and is sorted to list all establishments.

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Note: After you create a USA Trade Online account, select options for “State Export Data (Origin of Movement)” or “State Import Data (State of Destination)” by “Harmonized System (HS)” or “NAICS.” Select “State” and “Measures,” “Commodity” (Search for types of seafood, including FISH, POLLOCK, SHRIMP, CRAB etc.), “Country” or “Time” for data. More information can be found in the Quick Start Guide. USA Trade Online does not provide direct links to the data.  

Source: 2022 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year estimates  

Note: The table above is modified to focus on occupations related to fish, fishing, sailors, and ship and boat captains. Click on the image for the full table.

Source: 1978-2020 Business Dynamics Statistics (BDS)  

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Page Last Revised - September 29, 2023
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