
Join TAP

Joining the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP) offers a unique opportunity to participate in the improvement of both the American tax administration system and the Internal Revenue Service.

TAP is not currently accepting applications for new members

Help the IRS serve taxpayers better by joining the TAP. The TAP is a federal advisory committee that listens to taxpayers, identifies major taxpayer concerns and makes recommendations for improving IRS service and customer satisfaction.


TAP Benefits

TAP offers its members a unique opportunity to participate in the improvement of both the American tax administration system and the organization of the IRS. TAP members make progress on local, pressing tax issues by working directly with the IRS. Members serve as listening posts to their community and provide local input on tax-related issues. TAP members have the unique opportunity to work directly with taxpayers and the IRS to help change the IRS.

Make a real difference

TAP members work on issues to improve IRS Customer Service and Satisfaction and make an impact on U.S. taxpayers around the world.

Help your community

TAP is a grassroots organization. As a representative of your state, members serve as listening posts to their community and provide local input on tax-related issues.

Connect with members

As part of a collaborative group of volunteers, you’ll work with members from all fifty states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and a member representing U.S. citizens working and living abroad. TAP members have diverse backgrounds and expertise to provide different perspectives when making recommendations to improve the IRS customer service and satisfaction.

How you can help improve the IRS

We’re seeking volunteers

TAP needs your ideas to help improve customer satisfaction and service within the IRS.