Puget Sound Energy requests to adjust electricity and natural gas rates


Puget Sound Energy (PSE) has filed a request with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC) to adjust electricity and natural gas rates for customers beginning May 1.

According to a PSE news release, a 0.73% increase to electricity rates and a 0.68% increase to natural gas rates is being requested to offset energy efficiency program investments available to customers.

PSE filed additional adjustment requests, as well, including:

• A 0.66% decrease to electricity rates and a 0.54% decrease to natural gas rates is being requested to pass through costs of PSE’s property tax charges.

• A 0.34% decrease to electricity rates alongside a 2.74% increase to natural gas rates to adjust for a revenue decoupling mechanism previously approved by the UTC, which lets PSE periodically adjust utility rates based on difference between actual and allowed revenue from the prior year.

• A 0.01% increase for both electricity and natural gas rates to recover costs PSE incurs from the Washington Participatory Funding Agreement as per state law.

• A 2.67% increase to electricity rates and a 4.63% increase to natural gas rates to increase benefits available to PSE customers in the 2023-24 program year. If approved, these increases will remain in place until PSE submits its annual filing to revise rates for the 2024-25 program year.

For more information and to view the UTC requests themselves, visit https://www.pse.com/pages/rates/pending-utc-filings.

To submit a comment to the UTC on these proposed PSE rate adjustments, visit https://www.utc.wa.gov/consumers/submit-comment, email comments@utc.wa.gov or call 1-888-225-5773 or write to the UTC at P.O. Box 47250, Olympia, WA 98504.

To contact PSE about these proposed rate adjustments, email customercare@pse.com, call 1-888-225-5773 or write to PSE at ATTN: Customer Care, P.O. Box 97034, Bellevue, WA 98009.