Promoting Interoperability of Electronic Health Records and Idaho Public Health

The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW) Division of Public Health has declared readiness as of June 2019 and is actively working with providers, hospitals, and electronic health record (EHR) vendors to accept immunization data, electronic laboratory reports for reportable diseases and conditions, electronic case reports, and syndromic surveillance data in a meaningful manner to improve public health.

Public Health staff will work with vendors and hospitals after they have obtained certified EHRs to meet public health data reporting objectives. It is important providers select an EHR vendor that meets HL7 messaging standards and the federally mandated vocabulary standards for each data reporting category .  Vendors should obtain EHR certification using the Office of National Coordinator’s (ONC) process.

Providers can contact Division of Public Health staff regarding Promoting Interoperability (formerly Meaningful Use) by emailing: 

Once providers and vendors contact Idaho public health staff, they will be guided on technical information and provided a process to exchange necessary documentation such as implementation guides. Upon agreement to send data, vendors, hospitals, and providers will send test data. The message will be validated in a test environment. Once the message structure and content are deemed acceptable, data may proceed to production.

Electronic laboratory reporting (ELR)
Electronic case reporting (eCR)
Immunization data
Syndromic surveillance data
Cancer Data Registry of Idaho (CDRI)
Certified EHR technology
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