Discover how America's mountain troops changed Tahoe forever and TOT funding agreements in this month's North Lake Tahoe newsletter

March North Lake Tahoe Newsletter - February 2024

Placer Life Podcast episode - Climb to Glory

What’s the story behind the “10th Mountain Division Memorial Highway” signs on Highway 89? 


Have you noticed the "10th Mountain Division Memorial Highway" signs along state Route 89 and wondered, why here? 

The Tahoe we know and love today - and America's experience of mountain sports in general - would look a lot different if it weren't for the 10th.

In our latest episode of "The Placer Life," the second of our four-part miniseries about the ways World War II changed life in Placer County, we share the incredible story of the 10th's heroic efforts during World War II - and how veterans of the 10th changed the way we look at our mountains forever. LISTEN HEAR


Traffic mobility takes a step forward in North Lake Tahoe with project funding approvals

The Placer County Board of Supervisors approved additional funding for expanded mobility options in North Lake Tahoe last month. The board authorized funding agreements totaling nearly $2.8 million for the following projects:

  1. North Lake Tahoe workforce vanpool program - $602,754

  2. TART Connect expanded service hours - $1,425,000    

  3. Tahoe City Downtown Access Improvements: Expansion of Grove Street parking lot - $759,000

Placer's TART Connect bus - photo by Ryan Salm

The board previously approved the use of TOT funding for a total of 13 investment projects during its Oct. 16 meeting last year. With these three approvals, nine of those projects now have finalized funding agreements while the final four are expected to be heard at board meetings later this year.

Revenue from transient occupancy tax collected in eastern Placer County is being used to fund the projects, which were solicited, vetted and recommended through the North Tahoe Community Alliance Board of Directors, the TOT Committee and the Capital Projects Advisory Committee through the TOT-TBID Dollars At Work program. READ MORE

Protect your community & forests: Land Tender forums

A night-time image from Eagle Rock in North Lake Tahoe

Placer County residents are invited to participate in a series of upcoming community forums in Auburn, North Lake Tahoe, Foresthill and a virtual option, focusing on mitigating wildfire risk to communities and other critical assets.


The forums will focus on Land Tender, a digital platform facilitating community involvement in land management scenarios. Through Land Tender, residents can contribute their perspectives to shape the county's approach to managing forested areas and mitigating wildfire risks. LEARN MORE

Join our Parking Management meetings in Kings Beach next week

An aerial image of a car turning into a parking lot in North Lake Tahoe.

Placer County is offering two meetings as opportunities for the community to provide input on the recommendations included in the draft Kings Beach Phase 1 Parking Management Implementation Plan. The in-person meeting on Monday, March 18, will be conducted jointly in both English and Spanish.  

In-person parking community meeting (English and Spanish) - Monday, March 18, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. at the North Tahoe Event Center.

Virtual parking community meeting - Wednesday, March 20, 2024, starting at 12:00 p.m. Click here to register for the meeting.


The community is also encouraged to participate in preliminary planning of a transportation mobility hub at the eastern entrance to Kings Beach on Tuesday, March 19. The county will share a number of alternative transportation ideas, including a possible bike sharing program and transit connections.


In-person mobility hub community meeting - Tuesday, March 19, 2024, starting at 12:00 p.m. at the North Tahoe Event Center.




Crews helped clear roads during the recent winter storms