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Maternal Health Training and Resource Center (MHTRC)

About the program

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-24-050
Dates to Apply: 02/02/2024 to 05/02/2024
Bureau/Office: Maternal & Child Health Bureau
Status: Closed
Estimated Award Date: 09/30/2024
This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Maternal Health Training and Resource Center (MHTRC) program. The purpose of this program is to support MCHB’s maternal health recipients, with a primary focus on the State Maternal Health Innovation (State MHI) program, to improve maternal health and to respond to the needs of populations impacted by maternal mortality and severe maternal morbidity (SMM). The MHTRC will also provide limited support to MCHB’s maternal health recipients with the implementation of maternal health projects, innovations, and initiatives in their respective states, where funds are available.

Who can apply

You can apply if your organization is in the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, or the Republic of Palau, and is: • Public or private • Community-based • Native American tribal governments  • Native American tribal organizations

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Lud Abigail Duchatelier-Jeudy, Ph.D., MPH

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