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Onsite Energy Resources and Tools

The Onsite Energy Program develops fact sheets and case studies and leverages DOE-developed tools that can help determine the benefits of onsite energy technologies.

Fact Sheets | Onsite Energy TAP Case Studies | REopt Case Studies | Tools

Fact Sheets

Onsite Energy TAP Case Studies

REopt Case Studies


REopt logo
REopt: Renewable Energy Integration and Optimization
REopt is a web tool used to evaluate the potential for distributed energy options at a site, with the ability to optimize for emissions reduction and/or resilience.
DER-CAM logo

DER-CAM: Distributed Energy Resources Customer Adoption Model
DER-CAM is a comprehensive decision support tool that optimizes distributed energy resource investments for buildings or multi-energy microgrids.
SAM logo
SAM: System Advisor Model
SAM is a techno-economic software tool that models many types of renewable energy systems.
PVWatts logo
PVWatts is a calculator that estimates the energy production of grid-connected photovoltaic energy systems throughout the world.
URBANopt logo
URBANopt: Urban Renewable Building and Neighborhood Optimization
URBANopt is an EnergyPlus- and OpenStudio-based simulation platform aimed at district- and campus-scale thermal and electrical analysis for Community and Urban District Energy Modeling.