Washington State Naloxone Mail Order
Naloxone is commonly called Narcan. Naloxone is a medication that can help reverse an opioid overdose.

People living in Washington State can receive free Naloxone in the mail by placing an order here. This mail order program is meant for people who can't easily go to a community organization or a pharmacy to get a kit.

Please - ONE order per person a month. This mail order program is intended for individual residents; no schools, businesses, organizations, or institutions. 

Naloxone is free at pharmacies for people with Medicaid/Washington Apple Health insurance. No prescription is needed. To find Naloxone near you, visit Stopoverdose.org

Organizations that wish to distribute Naloxone to community members can apply for the Washington Department of Health's Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution program Click here to apply

This program is brought to you by The People's Harm Reduction Alliance. To learn more about PHRA and Naloxone, please visit http://phra.org/naloxone

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Your preferred name for shipping? *
Your street address or PO BOX number? *
City *
State *
Zip Code? *
What type of Naloxone would you like?
Injectable kits contain 4 doses. 
Nasal spray kits contain 2 doses 
What is your email address? *
Naloxone provided by this program is for personal use. Are you ordering on behalf of an agency, organization or business?
Naloxone provided by this program cannot be resold. Please confirm that you will not resell Naloxone provided by this program. *
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